How to Select the Optimum HPLC Column

This event is now available on demand.

Event Overview:

Here are the top tips to get column selection right every time. Selecting the correct HPLC column can greatly impact on chromatographic results and analysis speed. This webcast will allow you to understand how to select a stationary phase based on analyte chemistry, how particle morphology can be used to improve resolution, and how column dimensions can be altered to increase throughput 

Topics Covered: 
  • Support materials—What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of fully porous and core shell materials? HPLC stationary phase classifications—What does it mean and how do they differ?
  • The effect of stationary phase chemistry on retention and selectivity
  • The effect of HPLC column dimensions on chromatographic parameters
  • How to choose the optimum HPLC column for your application

Featured Speakers:

Dwight R. Stoll
Dwight R. Stoll
Professor of Chemistry
Gustavus Adolphus College

Dwight Stoll began working in the position he currently holds in the fall of 2008 at Gustavus Adolphus College, where he mainly teaches quantitative and instrumental analysis courses, in addition to directing a vibrant research program involving mainly undergraduate students. His active research projects include the development of rapid multidimensional liquid chromatography for targeted analysis in complex matrices, and optimization of isocratic and gradient elution HPLC.
Tony Taylor
Tony Taylor
Chief Scientific Officer
Element Life Sciences EMEAA, Element Materials Technology

Tony Taylor is the chief scientific officer of Element Life Sciences EMEAA. He has worked in the pharmaceutical, polymer, contract analysis, and consulting industries for more than 35 years. He is an experienced chromatographer who isn’t afraid to admit that every day is a school day in the lab. He is a founder of CHROMacademy, the website where chromatographers to go learn. 

He has taught thousands of chromatographers globally and his natural enthusiasm for analytical science makes him a very popular speaker on webcasts, podcasts, and webinars. 

For any technical questions please contact Jordan Ramesh: