Sponsored Content - EU
An easy and sensitive method to analyze Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 and Ochratoxin A in cannabis plant and edible products at levels below established by state regulations.
Implement USP 621 changes for higher productivity
This application note introduces our simple and effective KNAUER HPLC Method Converter for modernising analytical methods according to the allowed USP 621 variations.
Determination of Total Fluorine & Chlorine in Food Packaging using Combustion Ion Chromatography
This study analyzes total fluorine and chlorine in food packaging using combustion ion chromatography, ensuring consumer safety amid PFAS restrictions and regulations.
Application Notebook: Bioseparation Column Chemistries for Bioprocessing
Application Notebook highlighting Liquid Chromatography techniques commonly used for monitoring Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) in Bioprocessing Applications
Pesticide Residue Analysis in High-Lipid Food Samples
This application note highlights the benefits of the LipiFiltr® cartridge for multi-class, multi-residue pesticide analysis in complex, high-fat samples.
Method development for preparative LC
Strategies to screen and develop a preparative HPLC method and its up-scaling for purification of CBD from Cannabis extract
Analysis of N-Glycans Using HPAEC-PAD/MS
Efficient separation N-glycans and isomers by HPAEC and quantification with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (PAD) and MS for identification.