Bead-Based Peanut Protein Sample Prep


Researchers from Universita degli Studi di Parma (Parma, Italy) used immunomagnetic beads to extract trace peanut allergen protein Ara h3/4 from breakfast cereals.

Researchers from Universita degli Studi di Parma (Parma, Italy) used immunomagnetic beads to extract trace peanut allergen protein Ara h3/4 from breakfast cereals. The method also included microwave –assisted tryptic digestion and liquid chromatography with electrospray ion-trap tandem mass spectrometry. The protein A–coated magnetic bead support used anti-Ara h3/4 monoclonal antibodies for the selective extraction. The researchers achieved a limit of detection of 3 mg peanuts/kg matrix and determined the method to be a rapid confirmatory analytical method to verify results from enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay screening.