European author guidelines
LCGC Europe welcomes manuscripts describing techniques/applications of all forms of chromatography and capillary electrophoresis that are of immediate interest to users in industry, academia and government. Send all material to:
Alasdair Matheson, Editor, LCGC Europe, tel. +44 1244 393198, e-mail:
Manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they have not previously been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles should not aim to promote the advantages of an individual manufacturer's products or services, and all such submissions will be rejected. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work. All manuscripts are subject to peer review and copy editing. Authors of accepted papers will have an opportunity to review galleys. Upon acceptance, copyright of the manuscript is transferred to LCGC Europe. If illustrations or other material in a manuscript have been published previously, the author is responsible for obtaining permission to republish. Rejected manuscripts are returned on request. LCGC Europe is not responsible for loss of materials.
Manuscript Preparation: For papers with multiple authors, designate a single author to handle correspondence. Include this author's full address, telephone number and e-mail address in the e-mail that accompanies the article. Before submitting the completed work, review the manuscript for clarity of expression, details of grammar and typographical accuracy. Submit the article to the editor by e-mail. Manuscript text should be double-spaced with the title and heading in bold face. Titles should be short, specific and outline the reader benefit from the article. Because LCGC Europe is directed to experienced researchers and applications personnel in the field of chromatography, avoid describing details or techniques that are common knowledge among such specialists. Three types of articles are suitable:
Technical articles: describe improved methods or improvements in techniques or instrumentation that lead to increased efficiency in terms of time, ease or cost. Papers should be 1750–4000 words long and should be of immediate relevance to users of chromatography. Manuscripts should be presented in an abbreviated scientific format and should include the following:
Abstract: Very brief. Mention subjects studied, methods used, principal observations made and conclusions reached. Introduction. Without repeating published information, discuss the relationship of your work to previously published work. Describe the novelty or importance of the research presented.
Experimental: Present enough information that an experienced chromatographer would be able to reproduce the work. List those components of the experimental design that are of a specialized nature, including manufacturer's name and location in parentheses after reference to specific types of equipment. Do not list equipment, reagents, or procedures that are normally found in the laboratory or that are common knowledge in the field. Include the following minimal information as it pertains to the particular type of chromatography being used: column length and internal diameter; packing type and particle size; mobile phase composition and conditions; flow-rate; means of detection; wavelength; full-scale attenuation; signal-to-noise ratio; sample size; injection volume; injector, column and detector temperatures; and temperature, pressure, and density programs.
Results and Discussion: Focus your comments on the needs of users of chromatography; stress the practical importance of your findings.
Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your article; state important conclusions or recommendations.
We urge authors to submit a proposal to the editor before completing a manuscript.
Illustrations: Refer to photographs, line drawings and graphs in the text using arabic numerals in consecutive order (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.). Omit all illustrations that do not enhance the reader's understanding of the text. Line drawings, graphs, and charts must be professionally rendered and submitted in high-quality. Lines of chromatograms must be solid and heavy enough to remain legible after reduction. Provide peak labels and identification. All figures should be called out in the main article text. Provide figure captions in a separate file.
Tables: Refer to tables in the text by arabic numerals in consecutive order (Table 1, Table 2, etc.). Every table and each column must have an appropriate heading. Table number and title must be placed in a continuous heading above the data presented. Omit tables that contain information already included in the text.
References: Literature citations in the text must be indicated by arabic numerals in parentheses. Number each reference separately in the order in which it appears in the text. Group cited references at the end of the manuscript in the order of their appearance in the text. List submitted articles as "in press" only if they have been formally accepted for publication, and give the future volume number and year if possible. Use "unpublished work" otherwise, giving the date when the work was completed. For "personal communications," include name and date. Use the following format for references:
1. T.L. Einmann and C. Champaign, Science, 387, 922–930 (1981).
2. E. Mitosouki and F.G. Pleinum, Natural Cell-Mediated Immunity Against Infection, W.J. Kinman, Ed. (Plenum, New York, USA, 1980), 345–376.