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In this note, the molecular weight averages and molecular weight distributions of two hydroxyethyl starch (HES) samples were successfully demonstrated.
PEGylated Antibody Fragment Analysis with SEC-MALS (June 2024)
AAV Aggregate Analysis Mobile Phase Robustness
Biozen dSEC-7 accurately resolves AAV serotypes 5, 8 and 9 monomer from aggregates in under 10 minutes with consistent results across different mobile phase conditions.
Therapeutic Proteins Analysis Using Size Exclusion Chromatography
This application note demonstrates the performance of BioCore SEC columns for determining aggregation and fragmentation associated with antibody-based biotherapeutics.
Assessing Protein Aggregation with SEC-MALS
Determine the molecular weight of low abundant species with confident with the highly sensitive DAWN MALS detector and improved peak separation with Waters BEH Column.
Analysis of mAbs, biosimilars and AAVs
Explore SEC-MALS-RI multi-attribute quantification of antibodies, biosimilars, and AAVs.
SEC-MALS and Fluorescence detection of AAV
Explore the optimization of AAV separation and the combined intrinsic fluorescence detection with SEC-MALS for low-concentration measurement.