HPLC2013 Tuesday Afternoon Sessions


One of the highlights of the HPLC2013 afternoon sessions on Tuesday 18 June 2013 is the keynote presentation given by Mark Schure on Challenging the Present State-of-the-Art of Polymer Separations. Ed Bouvier will discuss Advances in Size Characterization of Synthetic Polymers and Wilfred Niessen will describe the Role of MS in Post-column On-line/At-line Bioactivity Screening. There will also be a discussion on the future of polymer analysis.

HYPERformance LC – Auditorium

Sessions chaired by Pat Sandra and Dwight Stoll

14:00 – Monika Dittmann: Performance Limits of High Efficiency Small-bore UHPLC Columns in Isocratic and Gradient Separations (Keynote)
14:30 – Stephen Jacobson: Nanopore Devices for Virus ParticleCharacterization (Keynote)
15:00 – Shaorong Liu: High-Pressure Miniaturized Electro-Osmotic Pump for Capillary HPLC (Oral)
15:40 – Maria Celia García-Álvarez-Coque:Half-Width Plots: A Simple Tool toReveal Column Kinetics (Oral)
15:20 – James Grinias: Characterizing extra-column effects in ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography (Oral)

Sessions chaired by Jan Christensen

17:00 – Gabriel Vivó: Bayesian Statistics for Analysing Chromatographic Data: A New Generation of Data-Treatment Methods? (Keynote)
17:30 – Yvan Vander Heyden:Herbal Fingerprints: Extraction of Information, Focusing on Similarity Analyses (Keynote)


Sessions chaired by Gert Desmet and Ron Peters

14:00 – Mark Schure: Challenging the Present State of the Art ofPolymer Separations (Keynote)
14:30 – Wolfgang Radke: SEC-Gradients: A New Approach to theSeparation of Polymers by Chemical Composition (Keynote)
15:00 – Elena Uliyanchenko: Efficiency in (Ultrahigh-Pressure) SEC (Oral)
15:20 – Ed Bouvier: Advances in Size Characterization ofSynthetic Polymers (Oral)
15:40 – Rob Edam: Enabling Polymer Characterization Via UniqueSeparation Selectivities and Mechanisms (Oral)
17:00 – Xulin Jiang: Separation and characterization of targetingbiomedical polymers by HPLC (Oral)
17:20 – J. Ilja SiepmannUnderstanding Retention of Block Co-Polymers in SEC and LCCC (Oral)
17:40 – Discussion on needs for polymer analysis


HPLC–MS – G102–103

Sessions chaired by Xu Guowang and Petra Aarnoutse

14:00 – Jeromy Glennon:Core-Shell and Embedded Nanoparticle Layers forthe Separation and Sensing of Biomarkers (Oral)
14:20 – Lane Sander:Vitamin-D Metabolite Metrology (Oral)
14:40 –Karl-Siegfried Boos: Combined SPE-MS.MS Analysis of Small Molecules Directly in Blood and Blood Plasma(Oral)
15:00 – Wilfried Niessen: The Role of MS in Post-Column On-Line/At-Line Bioactivity Screening (Keynote)
15:30 – Shaoping Li: Strategy for Chromatographic Analysis of Glycans in Medicinal Plants (Keynote)

Sessions chaired by Robert Kennedy

17:00 – Gerd Vanhoenacker:LCXLC Hyphenated to Q-TOF MS for the Characterization of Protein Biopharmaceuticals (Oral)
17:20 – Caterina Temporini:Synthesis of a Neo-Glyco-Vaccine Against Tuberculosis: the Key Role of LC–MS (Oral)
17:40 – Sara Rosati:Rapid Characterization of Antibody Glycosylation Profiles by Native Orbitrap MS (Oral)


HPLC2013 TUTORIALS– G104–105

14:00 – Michael Lämmerhofer:Chiral Separations. Introduced by Debby Mangelings.
15:00 – Fabrice Gritti: Column Efficiency. Introduced by Michelle Camenzuli.
17:00 – Ulrich Tallarek: Towards Quantitative Morphology Transport Relationships for Chromatographic Stationary Phases. Introduced by Henrik Cornelisson van de Ven.

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