The talks in this session highlight developments in liquid chromatography (LC), including a computer-assisted modeling approach to simplify 2D-LC method development, the use of aligned continuous gradient stationary phases, the development of alkaline-stable packing materials based on calcium carbonate, and more.
The session will kick off at 1:30 pm with a talk by Yuki Hiruta of Keio University on the development of alkaline-stable packing materials based on calcium carbonate. Octadecyl silica (ODS), the industry standard column packing material for high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), has limitations for the efficient analysis of basic drugs. To address this concern, Hiruta and his group have developed an alkaline-stable HPLC packing material based on calcium carbonate porous microspheres modified with amphiphilic polymer.
Next, at 1:50 pm, Sheldon Henderson of Axcend will discuss how portable LC can aid in monitoring the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content of industrial hemp—a concentration commonly observed to increase during the flowering stage. Point-of-need” LC analyses would provide important information about crop potency, which would facilitate profitable harvesting decisions while adhering to federal regulations for THC levels in hemp.
Devin Makey of the University of Michigan and Merck & Company will then describe, at 2:10 pm, a new computer-assisted modeling approach that dramatically simplifies both offline and online 2D-LC method development, with a focus on pharmaceutically relevant mixtures for both analysis and purification workflows. Many chromatographers believe that this sort of a systematic way to effectively optimize 2D-LC separations is a missing link in securing the viability of 2D-LC as a mainstay technique for industrial applications.
This will be followed by a talk at 2:30 by Judith Bautista Gomez of Sarah Rutan’s group at Virginia Commonwealth University on the fabrication and evaluation of aligned continuous-gradient stationary phases for LC. Continuous stationary phase gradients, in which ligand density varies gradually within a single column, have demonstrated unique selectivity.
In the fourth talk, at 3:05 pm, Shelby Weatherbee, also of Virginia Commonwealth University will present further work on continuous-gradient stationary phases. This presentation will discuss the application of a published method for fabricating continuous C18 gradients, to other ligand types, including phenyl and phenyl-hexyl particle packed columns, and will highlight some of the limitations discovered in the fabrication of these continuous gradients.
The session will wrap up with a talk at 3:45 pm by Amanda Mahr Guiraldelli of the U.S. Pharmacopeia on the application of analytical Quality by Design (AQbD) concepts to develop a procedure for quantification of 7 ondansetron impurities by UHPLC with ultraviolet (UV) detection. Using AQbD, the analytical performance characteristics were able to be scientifically designed to meet all critical quality attributes (CQAs), providing a robust and selective procedure and high degree of procedure understanding.
Link to the full session:
Assessing Thorium-Peptide Interactions Using Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography
February 4th 2025Paris-Saclay University scientists used hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to assess thorium’s interaction with peptides.