The 59th Annual Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (Pittcon 2008) will be held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, from 2–6 March, 2008. Pittcon 2008's Technical Program will be in the format of invited symposia, organized contributed oral sessions, contributed oral sessions, workshops, new product forums and poster sessions to cover the latest developments in the traditional and emerging disciplines of analytical chemistry and applied spectroscopy. Following on from last year's success, the networking sessions will be expanded.
The 59th Annual Pittsburgh Conference and Exposition on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy (Pittcon 2008) will be held at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, from 2–6 March, 2008. Pittcon 2008's Technical Program will be in the format of invited symposia, organized contributed oral sessions, contributed oral sessions, workshops, new product forums and poster sessions to cover the latest developments in the traditional and emerging disciplines of analytical chemistry and applied spectroscopy. Following on from last year's success, the networking sessions will be expanded.
The technical program covers wide-ranging topics, including: bioanalytical chemistry (including proteomics, genomics, and metabolomics), biomedicine, neurochemistry, polymer science, informatics, pharmaceutical science, nanotechnology, environmental chemistry, forensic analysis, food analysis, applied molecular spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, chemical separations, sensor technology, energy research (nuclear, petroleum, biofuels) and chemical analysis of art objects.
In addition, Pittcon 2008 will see the presentations of awards for the Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Award, the Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award, the Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award, the Ralph N. Adams Award in Bioanalytical Chemistry, Bomem-Michelson Award, Chromatography Forum of Delaware Valley Dal Nogare Award, the Charles N. Reilley and Young Investigator Awards, and the Williams-Wright Award.
On Sunday afternoon, Pittcon 2008 will start with symposia, oral and poster presentations followed by the Pittcon Heritage Award Presentation/Plenary Lecture and a Poster Mixer. This year, Dr Leroy Hood, President of the Institute for Systems Biology, will be Pittcon 2008 plenary lecture speaker. Dr Hood is a world-renown educator and scientist and has made numerous contributions to science and mankind.
The American Chemical Society-Division of Analytical Chemistry (ACS–DAC) will again be co-programming with the Pittcon. ACS–DAC program will include invited symposia and contributed sessions in a number of areas as well as educational programs for high school students. And this year, as in the past, the conference will provide a forum for the presentation of the Analytical Chemistry Award for Young Investigators in Separation Science, an award sponsored by the ACS-DAC.
The 2008 Exposition, held 3–5 March, will be a showcase of the latest products and services available in analytical chemistry and applied spectroscopy, and which are applicable to a very broad spectrum of areas, such as bioanalytical chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, nanotechnology, environmental, forensic and food analysis, homeland security, and many others.
New Orleans is the stage for Pittcon 2008. The New Orleans experience is one to be savoured and not missed. The most celebrated and historic core of the city – including the Faubourg Marigny, French Quarter, Central Business District, Warehouse and Arts District, Magazine Street, Garden District, Audubon Park and Zoo and St. Charles Avenue – is a must see during your Pittcon 2008!
For more information about Pittcon 2008 visit and for information on New Orleans visit
9–13 March, 2008
msb2008 — 22nd International Symposium on Microscale Bioseperations and Methods for Systems Biology, organized by the ISAS — Institute for Analytical Sciences, with support from Freie Universität Berlin Berlin, Germany
Contact: msb2008 Symposium Office
ISAS — Institute for Analytical Sciences, Bunsen-Kirchhoff-Str. 11, 44139 Dortmund, Germany
tel: +49 231 1392 254
fax: +49 231 1392 300
1–4 April, 2008
Analytica 2008,
Fairground Munich, Germany
Contact: Messe München GmbH, Messegelände, 81823 München, Germany
Tel: +44 89 949 11488
fax: +44 89 949 11489
10–16 May, 2008
32nd International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Contact: Ms Janet Cunningham, Symposium/Exhibit Manager
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