Raising the bar in performance — free seminar


LCGC Asia Pacific eNews

LCGC Asia Pacific eNewsLCGC Asia Pacific eNews-10-01-2008
Volume 0
Issue 0

Raising the Bar in Performance is a free seminar to be hosted by Thermo Fisher Scientific at its Hemel Hempstead facility in the UK on 13 November 2008...

Raising the Bar in Performance is a free seminar to be hosted by Thermo Fisher Scientific at its Hemel Hempstead facility in the UK on 13 November 2008. A full-day event, it will be interactive and explore different MS technologies for environmental applications, ranging from GC and quadrupole to MS–MS with ion trap and triple quadrupole.

The new TSQ Quantum GC will also be demonstrated on the day. The system was developed for use in toxicology, environmental, food, pharmaceutical and clinical research laboratories. It uses highly selective reaction monitoring (H-SRM) technology. H-SRM allows for better selectivity for low-level contaminants in difficult matrices. SRM is a function of all triple quadrupoles. H-SRM on the TSQ Quantum GC provides lower detection limits with less analyst time. This capability allows the quantification of hundreds of compounds in a single run for multi-residue screening and quantifying in heavy matrix, while zero cross-talk collision cell helps in the elimination of false positives.

Seminar attendance is free on a first-come-first-served basis. Visit www.thermo.com/ukgcms

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