Teledyne Tekmar


Special Issues

LCGC SupplementsSpecial Issues-12-01-2014
Volume 32
Issue 12

Company Description

Teledyne Tekmar is the leader in analytical instrumentation for the laboratory. Our world-renowned volatile organic compound (VOC) products include systems for gas chromatography sample introduction, high-throughput purge and trap sample concentration, static and dynamic headspace analysis, and sample automation. Our total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen (TN) analyzers provide unparalleled accuracy, precision, throughput, and robustness for water samples from semiconductor-grade to municipal wastewater. All our instruments have 21 CFR Part 11 software tools available for your compliance needs, validation documentation, and services and training.

Chief Chromatographic Techniques Supported

Sampling systems that connect to GC and assorted detectors.

Markets Served

  • Environmental (water and soil)

  • Food and beverage

  • Pharmaceutical

  • Forensics

  • Petrochemical

  • Plastics

Major Products/Services

  • Volatile Organic Compound Analysis: We are the world's market and technology leader for volatile organic compound (VOC) sample introduction systems for gas chromatographs. Our purge & trap concentrators, autosamplers, and headspace instruments are well established in the VOC analysis industry and consistently set the standard for productivity and data quality.
  • Atomx Automated Sample Prep System

  • Stratum Purge and Trap Concentrator

  • AQUATek 100 Waters-only Autosampler

  • HT3 Static and Dynamic Headspace System

  • Versa Automated Headspace Vial Sampler

  • Total Organic Carbon Analysis: Our quality line of TOC analyzers covers a wide array of markets. Our comprehensive market coverage is due to designing our systems around the two major oxidation technologies used for TOC analysis: UV/persulfate and combustion as well as total nitrogen analysis. With built-in productivity, dependability, and versatility, our TOC analyzers offer superior analytical performance for a wide range of laboratory applications.
  • Fusion TOC UV/Persulfate Analyzer

  • Torch Combustion TOC Analyzer

  • Semi Volatile Organic Compound Analysis: The AutoMate-Q40 is a revolutionary system specifically designed and optimized to automate the QuEChERS sample preparation workflow. The system is configured "out of the box" to conduct two of the most popular QuEChERS sample preparation methods: AOAC 2007.01 and EN 15662.2008.


Teledyne Tekmar is located in Mason, Ohio, with global distribution channels and field service support.

Teledyne Tekmar
4736 Socialville Foster Dr. Mason, OH 45040

(513) 229-7000

(800) 874-2004





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