Vendors Tips & Tricks: Introduction to March 2021 Issue

Pages: 132

When we seek help to address challenges in our work, or improve our knowledge and skills, we want to turn to sources and people with solid experience and a strong track record. When it comes to solving problems in separation science, or expanding your knowledge, we hope you will agree that an invaluable and trusted source of information and support is LCGC, including everything in our print publications—such as advice from our expert columnists, peer-reviewed research on work to advance methods, and updates on the latest approaches and technologies—as well as all we offer digitally, through webcasts, virtual symposia, e-books, newsletters, and beyond. For training, we also hope that you think of our e-learning partner, CHROMacademy.

Another important source of helpful information should not be overlooked, however: the scientists who work for instrument and consumables manufacturers. To be successful, these companies must become acutely aware of the real challenges of chromatographers—whether those customers are carrying out advanced research or routine analyses. They then must seek to address those needs by providing new and improved products, by developing applications of their tools in a wide variety of fields, by working closely with customers to answer questions and solve specific problems, and in many cases, by providing training.

For that reason, from time to time, we like to create an opportunity for people from these companies to share helpful advice and best practices with our readers. An example is found here, in this short ”Vendor Tips & Tricks” feature. I hope you find the ideas and suggestions presented here useful in your work.

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