2005 Editorial Index


LCGC North America

LCGC North AmericaLCGC North America-12-01-2005
Volume 23
Issue 12
Pages: 1282–1290


Aamo, Trond. See Zahlsen, Kolbjorn.

Asa, Darwin J. See Gamache, Paul H.

Baker, Timothy R.; Hoke II, Steven H.; and Dobson, Roy L.M. Evaluating Analytical Instrumentation Using the Golf Score Card Tool. September, p. 1024.

Balogh, Michael P. MS — The Practical Art. Column.

Bartel, Daniel. See Scheuring, Steve.

Bartoszuk, Malgorzata A. See Zarzycki, Pawel K.

Bell, David S. See Henry, Richard A.

Biselli, Scarlett; Hartig, Lutz; Wegner, Heiner; and Hummert, Christian. Analysis of Fusarium Toxins Using LC–MS-MS: Application to Various Food and Feed Matrices. April, p. 404.

Boos, Karl-Siegfried. See Georgi, Katrin.

Burge, Larry J.; and Sorgen, Christina M. Evaluation of Polar-Embedded and Polar-Endcapped C12–C18 Stationary Phase Vulnerabilities Toward Highly Nucleophilic Compounds: A Case Study. August, p. 762.

Carda Broch, S. See Ruiz Ángel, M.J.

Chion, I. See Wrezel, P.W.

Coan, Michael H. See Ng, Paul K.

Cody, Robert. See Rimando, Agnes M.

Cole, Roderic O. See Gamache, Paul H.

Dobson, Roy L.M. See Baker, Timothy R.

Dolan, John W. LC Troubleshooting. Monthly column.

Dolan, John W. See Morrison, Ryan D.

Dolan, John W., and Snyder, Lloyd R. "Adjusting Conditions for a Routine Reversed-Phase HPLC Assay, Part II: Changing Separation Conditions," in Column Watch. February, p. 118.

Esteve Romero, J.S. See Ruiz Ángel, M.J.

Ettre, Leslie S. Milestones in Chromatography. Column.

François, Kelly. See Vercammen, Joeri.

Freeto, Scott M. See Gamache, Paul H.

Gamache, Paul H.; McCarthy, Ryan S.; Freeto, Scott M.; Asa, Darwin J.; Woodcock, Matthew J.; Laws, Katherine; and Cole, Roderic O. HPLC Analysis of Nonvolatile Analytes Using Charged Aerosol Detection. February, p. 150.

Georgi, Katrin, and Boos, Karl-Siegfried. Control of Matrix Effects in Bioanalytical MS–MS Using On-Line Multidimensional Solid-Phase Extraction. April, p. 396.

Gil Agustí M.T. See Ruiz Ángel, M.J.

Goodall, David M. See Zhu, Cuiru.

Guan, Yafeng. See Yang, Bingcheng.

Hartig, Lutz. See Biselli, Scarlett.

Henry, Richard A., and Bell, David S. Important Guidelines for Optimizing Speed and Sensitivity in Small-Molecule LC–UV and LC–MS. May, p. 496.

Hinshaw, John V. GC Connections. Column.

Hoke II, Steven H. See Baker, Timothy R.

Hummert, Christian. See Biselli, Scarlett.

Krol, Jim. See Mabic, Stéphane.

Kulhanek, Kathrin M. See Zarzycki, Pawel K.

Lamparczyk, Henryk. See Zarzycki, Pawel K.

Laws, Katherine. See Gamache, Paul H.

Leiske, Danielle. See Waters, Jason.

Mabic, Stéphane; Regnault, Cecilia; and Krol, Jim. The Misunderstood Laboratory Solvent: Reagent Water for HPLC. January, p. 74.

Majors, Ronald E. Column Watch. Column.

Majors, Ronald E. Sample Prep Perspectives. Column.

Majors, Ronald E. See Shukla, Ashok.

McCalley, David V. Choice of Buffer for the Analysis of Basic Peptides in Reversed-Phase HPLC. February, p. 162.

McCarthy, Ryan S. See Gamache, Paul H.

Morrison, Ryan D., and Dolan, John W. "Peak Fronting, Column Life, and Column Conditioning," in LC Troubleshooting. June, p. 566.

Ng, Paul K., and Coan, Michael H. "Chromatography Applications in Drug Discovery of Therapeutic Proteins," in Directions in Discovery. March, p. 280.

Pakula, R. See Wrezel, P.W.

Parmely, Rick. "Successful Gas Chromatography Using Fused-Silica Columns," in Column Watch. November, p. 1166.

Przybyciel, Matthew. "Fluorinated HPLC Phases — Looking Beyond C18 for Reversed-Phase HPLC," in Column Watch. June, p. 554.

Regnault, Cecilia. See Mabic, Stéphane.

Reich, Eike, and Schibli, Anne. "Stationary Phases for Planar Separations — Plates for Modern TLC," in Column Watch. May, p. 458.

Rimando, Agnes M., and Cody, Robert. Determination of Stilbenes in Blueberries. November, p. 1192.

Ruiz Ángel, M.J.; Gil Agustí M.T .; Esteve Romero, J.S.; and Carda Broch, S. Photodegradation and Photostability Studies of Bendroflumethiazide in Pharmaceutical Formulations and Urine Samples by Micellar Liquid Chromatography. February, p. 182.

Scheuring, Steve, and Bartel, Daniel. "How to Buy Gas Calibration Mixes," in GC Connections. July, p. 668.

Schibli, Anne. See Reich, Eike.

Shukla, Ashok, and Majors, Ronald E. "Micropipette Tip-Based Sample Preparation for Bioanalysis," in Sample Prep Perspectives. July, p. 646.

Smith, Roger. See Zarzycki, Pawel K.

Snyder, Lloyd R. See Dolan, John W.

Sorgen, Christina M. See Burge, Larry J.

Swartz, Michael, and Krull, Ira. Validation Viewpoint. Column.

Tan, Feng. See Yang, Bingcheng.

Vercammen, Joeri; François, Kelly; Wolf, Michele; Vermeulen, An; and Welvaert, Katrien. Enhanced Sample Throughput for Environmental Analysis. June, p. 594.

Vermeulen, An. See Vercammen, Joeri.

Waters, Jason, and Leiske, Danielle. Characterization of Hyaluronic Acid with On-Line Differential Viscometry, Multiangle Light Scattering, and Differential Refractometry. March, p. 302.

Wegner, Heiner. See Biselli, Scarlett.

Wehr, Tim. Directions in Discovery. Column.

Welvaert, Katrien. See Vercammen, Joeri.

Wolf, Michele. See Vercammen, Joeri.

Woodcock, Matthew J. See Gamache, Paul H.

Wren, Stephen A.C. See Zhu, Cuiru.

Wrezel, P.W.; Chion, I.; and Pakula, R. Key Factors in Sample Diluent Selection for HPLC Assays of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients. July, p. 682.

Yang, Bingcheng; Tan, Feng; and Guan, Yafeng. A Laser Diode Double-Pumped Solid-State Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detector for Capillary Electrophoresis and Liquid Chromatography. October, p. 1110.

Zahlsen, Kolbjorn; Aamo, Trond; and Zweigenbaum, Jerry. A High-Volume, High Throughput LC–MS Therapeutic Drug Monitoring System. April, p. 384.

Zarzycki, Pawel K.; Kulhanek, Kathrin M.; Smith, Roger; Bartoszuk, Malgorzata A.; and Lamparczyk, Henryk. Planar Chromatography Versus Column Chromatography: A Performance Comparison. March, p. 286.

Zhu, Cuiru; Goodall, David M.; and Wren, Stephen A.C. Elevated Temperature HPLC: Principles and Applications to Small Molecules and Biomolecules. January, p. 54.

Zweigenbaum, Jerry. See Zahlsen, Kolbjorn.



"New GC Instruments and Accessories at the 55th Pittsburgh Conference," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. May, p. 436.


"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part I," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. July, p. 676.

"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part II," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. November, p. 1182.

"Profiles in Practice Series: A Revolution in Clinical Chemistry," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. August, p. 744.

"Sample Preparation for Large-Scale Protein Purification," in Sample Prep Perspectives. Ronald E. Majors. August, p. 730.


"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part I," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. July, p. 676.

"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part II," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. November, p. 1182.


"Flow, Pressure, and Temperature Calibration: Part II," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. January, p. 36.

"Successful Gas Chromatography Using Fused-Silica Columns," in Column Watch. Rick Parmely. November, p. 1166.


"Highlights of HPLC 2005," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. September, p. 988.


"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part I," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. July, p. 676.

"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part II," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. November, p. 1182.

"Highlights of HPLC 2005," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. September, p. 988.

"A Laser Diode Double-Pumped Solid-State Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detector for Capillary Electrophoresis and Liquid Chromatography." Bingcheng Yang, Feng Tan, and Yafeng Guan. October, p. 1110.


"Preparative Chiral SFC as a Green Technology for Rapid Access to Enantiopurity in Pharmaceutical Process Research," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. January, p. 16.


"Broad Peaks," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. August, p. 738.

Characterization of Hyaluronic Acid with On-Line Differential Viscometry, Multiangle Light Scattering, and Differential Refractometry. Jason Waters and Danielle Leiske. March, p. 302.

Choice of Buffer for the Analysis of Basic Peptides in Reversed-Phase HPLC. David V. McCalley. February, p. 162.

Elevated Temperature HPLC: Principles and Applications to Small Molecules and Biomolecules. Cuiru Zhu, David M. Goodall, and Stephen A.C. Wren. January, p. 54.

"Extracolumn Effects," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. February, p. 130.

"Fast and Ultrafast HPLC on Sub-2-μm Porous Particles — Where Do We Go from Here?," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. December, p. 1246.

"Flow, Pressure, and Temperature Calibration: Part II," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. January, p. 36.

Important Guidelines for Optimizing Speed and Sensitivity in Small-Molecule LC–UV and LC–MS. Richard A. Henry and David S. Bell. May, p. 496.

"Multidimensional and Comprehensive Liquid Chromatography," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. October, p. 1074.

Planar Chromatography Versus Column Chromatography: A Performance Comparison. Pawel K. Zarzycki, Kathrin M. Kulhanek, Roger Smith, Malgorzata A. Bartoszuk, and Henryk Lamparczyk. March, p. 286.

"The Role of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Precision and Accuracy," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. December, p. 1256.

"Stay Away from the Cliffs!" in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. January, p. 30.

"Successful Gas Chromatography Using Fused-Silica Columns," in Column Watch. Rick Parmely. November, p. 1166.


"Fast and Ultrafast HPLC on Sub-2-μm Porous Particles — Where Do We Go from Here?," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. December, p. 1246.

"Fluorinated HPLC Phases — Looking Beyond C18 for Reversed-Phase HPLC," in Column Watch. Matthew Przybyciel. June, p. 554.

"Highlights of HPLC 2005," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. September, p. 988.

"The Making of a Column," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. September, p. 1016.


"Extending Column Life," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. November, p. 1174.

"Peak Fronting, Column Life, and Column Conditioning," in LC Troubleshooting. Ryan D. Morrison and John W. Dolan. June, p. 566.


"Adjusting Conditions for a Routine Reversed Phase HPLC Assay, Separation Conditions," in Column Watch. John W. Dolan and Lloyd R. Snyder. February, p. 118.

"Fast and Ultrafast HPLC on Sub-2-μm Porous Particles — Where Do We Go from Here?," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. December, p. 1246.

"Fluorinated HPLC Phases — Looking Beyond C18 for Reversed-Phase HPLC," in Column Watch. Matthew Przybyciel. June, p. 554.

"Highlights of HPLC 2005," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. September, p. 988.

"Multidimensional and Comprehensive Liquid Chromatography," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. October, p. 1074.

"New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2005 Pittcon Conference: Part I," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. March, p. 248.

"New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2005 Pittcon Conference: Part II," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. April, p. 358.

"Preparative Chiral SFC as a Green Technology for Rapid Access to Enantiopurity in Pharma ceutical Process Research," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. January, p. 16.

"Stationary Phases for Planar Separations — Plates for Modern TLC," in Column Watch. Eike Reich and Anne Schibli. May, p. 458.

"Successful Gas Chromatography Using Fused-Silica Columns," in Column Watch. Rick Parmely. November, p. 1166.


"The Making of a Column," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. September, p. 1016.

"New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2005 Pittcon Conference: Part II," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. April, p. 358.


"Fast and Ultrafast HPLC on Sub-2-μm Porous Particles — Where Do We Go from Here?," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. December, p. 1246.

"Highlights of HPLC 2005," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. September, p. 988.

"New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2005 Pittcon Conference: Part I," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. March, p. 248.


"Profiles in Practice Series: The High-Speed State of Information and Data Management," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. June, p. 576.


A Laser Diode Double-Pumped Solid-State Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detector for Capillary Electrophoresis and Liquid Chromatography. Bingcheng Yang, Feng Tan, and Yafeng Guan. October, p. 1110.


"New GC Instruments and Accessories at the 56th Pittsburgh Conference," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. May, p. 476.


Characterization of Hyaluronic Acid with On-Line Differential Viscometry, Multiangle Light Scattering, and Differential Refractometry. Jason Waters and Danielle Leiske. March, p. 302.

"Highlights of HPLC 2005," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. September, p. 988.

HPLC Analysis of Nonvolatile Analytes Using Charged Aerosol Detection. Paul H. Gamache, Ryan S. McCarthy, Scott M. Freeto, Darwin J. Asa, Matthew J. Woodcock, Katherine Laws, and Roderic O. Cole. February, p. 150.

A Laser Diode Double-Pumped Solid-State Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detector for Capillary Electrophoresis and Liquid Chromatography. Bingcheng Yang, Feng Tan, and Yafeng Guan. October, p. 1110.


"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part I," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. July, p. 676.

"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part II," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. November, p. 1182.

"Chromatography Applications in Drug Discovery of Therapeutic Proteins," in Directions in Discovery. Paul K. Ng and Michael H. Coan. March, p. 280.


"Chromatography Applications in Drug Discovery of Therapeutic Proteins," in Directions in Discovery. Paul K. Ng and Michael H. Coan. March, p. 280.

"Profiles in Practice Series: Stewards of Drug Discovery — Developing and Maintaining the Future Drug Candidates," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. April, p. 376.


Enhanced Sample Throughput for Environmental Analysis. Joeri Vercammen, Kelly François, Michele Wolf, An Vermeulen, and Katrien Welvaert. June, p. 594.


"Fifty Years of GC Instrumentation," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. February, p. 142.

HPLC Analysis of Nonvolatile Analytes Using Charged Aerosol Detection. Paul H. Gamache, Ryan S. McCarthy, Scott M. Freeto, Darwin J. Asa, Matthew J. Woodcock, Katherine Laws, and Roderic O. Cole. February, p. 150.

"Jim Waters: The Development of GPC and the First Commercial HPLC Instruments," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. August, p. 752.


Evaluating Analytical Instrumentation Using the Golf Score Card Tool. Timothy R. Baker, Steven H. Hoke II, and Roy L. M. Dobson. September, p. 1024.


"The Bermuda Triangle," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. April, p. 370.

"Extending Column Life," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. November, p. 1174.

"LC Troubleshooting: The Basics," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. October, p. 1086.


"Split Peaks — A Case Study," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. March, p. 266.


Analysis of Fusarium Toxins Using LC–MS-MS: Application to Various Food and Feed Matrices. Scarlett Biselli, Lutz Hartig, Heiner Wegner, and Christian Hummert. April, p. 404.

Determination of Stilbenes in Blueberries. Agnes M. Rimando and Robert Cody. November, p. 1192.

"Profiles in Practice: Advances in Science and Geopolitical Issues," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. October, p. 1092.


"The Flame Ionization Detector," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. December, p. 1262.

Determination of Stilbenes in Blueberries. Agnes M. Rimando and Robert Cody. November, p. 1192.

Enhanced Sample Throughput for Environmental Analysis. Joeri Vercammen, Kelly François, Michele Wolf, An Vermeulen, and Katrien Welvaert. June, p. 594.

"Flow, Pressure, and Temperature Calibration: Part II," in GC Connections. John V. Hin-shaw. January, p. 36.

"Fifty Years of GC Instrumentation," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. February, p. 142.

"How to Buy Gas Calibration Mixes," in GC Connections. Steve Scheuring and Daniel Bartel. July, p. 668.

"New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2005 Pittcon Conference: Part II," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. April, p. 358.

"New GC Instruments and Accessories at the 56th Pittsburgh Conference," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. May, p. 476.

"The Making of a Column," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. September, p. 1016.

"Successful Gas Chromatography Using Fused-Silica Columns," in Column Watch. Rick Parmely. November, p. 1166.

"What's in a Method?" in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. March, p. 272.


"The Flame Ionization Detector," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. December, p. 1262.

"Flow, Pressure, and Temperature Calibration: Part II," in GC Connections. John V. Hin-shaw. January, p. 36.

"How to Buy Gas Calibration Mixes," in GC Connections. Steve Scheuring and Daniel Bartel. July, p. 668.

"The Making of a Column," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. September, p. 1016.

"New GC Instruments and Accessories at the 56th Pittsburgh Conference," in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. May, p. 476.

"What's in a Method?" in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. March, p. 272.


Determination of Stilbenes in Blueberries. Agnes M. Rimando and Robert Cody. November, p. 1192.

Enhanced Sample Throughput for Environmental Analysis. Joeri Vercammen, Kelly François, Michele Wolf, An Vermeulen, and Katrien Welvaert. June, p. 594.


Elevated Temperature HPLC: Principles and Applications to Small Molecules and Biomolecules. Cuiru Zhu, David M. Goodall, and Stephen A.C. Wren. January, p. 54.


A High-Volume, High-Throughput LC–MS Therapeutic Drug Monitoring System. Kolbjorn Zahlsen, Trond Aamo, and Jerry Zweigenbaum. April, p. 384.


"Csaba Horváth and the Development of the First Modern High Performance Liquid Chromatograph," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. May, p. 486.

"Early Petroleum Chromatographers," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. December, p. 1274.

"Fifty Years of GC Instrumentation," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. February, p. 142.

"Jim Waters: The Development of GPC and the First Commercial HPLC Instruments," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. August, p. 752.


"Early Petroleum Chromatographers," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. December, p. 1274.


"New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2005 Pittcon Conference: Part I," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. March, p. 248.


"A Baker's Dozen," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. September, p. 1008.

"The Bermuda Triangle," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. April, p. 370.

"Broad Peaks," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. August, p. 738.

"Extending Column Life," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. November, p. 1174.

"Extracolumn Effects," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. February, p. 130.

"LC Troubleshooting: The Basics," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. October, p. 1086.

"Overload or Minor Peak," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. May, p. 470.

"Peak Fronting, Column Life, and Column Conditioning," in LC Troubleshooting. Ryan D. Morrison and John W. Dolan. June, p. 566.

"Reader Questions: Mobile Phase," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. July, p. 662.

"The Role of the Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Precision and Accuracy," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. December, p. 1256.

"Split Peaks — A Case Study," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. March, p. 266.

"Stay Away from the Cliffs!" in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. January, p. 30.


Analysis of Fusarium Toxins Using LC–MS-MS: Application to Various Food and Feed Matrices. Scarlett Biselli, Lutz Hartig, Heiner Wegner, and Christian Hummert. April, p. 404.

Choice of Buffer for the Analysis of Basic Peptides in Reversed-Phase HPLC. David V. McCalley. February, p. 162.

Control of Matrix Effects in Bioanalytical MS-MS Using On-Line Multidimensional Solid-Phase Extraction. Katrin Georgi and Karl-Siegfried Boos. April, p. 396.

Evaluating Analytical Instrumentation Using the Golf Score Card Tool. Timothy R. Baker, Steven H. Hoke II, and Roy L. M. Dobson. September, p. 1024.

A High-Volume, High-Throughput LC–MS Therapeutic Drug Monitoring System. Kolbjorn Zahlsen, Trond Aamo, and Jerry Zweigenbaum. April, p. 384.

Important Guidelines for Optimizing Speed and Sensitivity in Small-Molecule LC–UV and LC–MS. Richard A. Henry and David S. Bell. May, p. 496.

"Profiles in Practice Series: A Revolution in Clinical Chemistry," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. August, p. 744.

"Profiles in Practice Series: Stewards of Drug Discovery — Developing and Maintaining the Future Drug Candidates," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. April, p. 376.

"Profiles in Practice: Advances in Science and Geopolitical Issues," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. October, p. 1092.


"Highlights of HPLC 2005," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. September, p. 988.


"Adjusting Conditions for a Routine Reversed-Phase HPLC Assay, Part II: Changing Separation Con ditions," in Column Watch. John W. Dolan and Lloyd R. Snyder. February, p. 118.

"A Baker's Dozen," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. September, p. 1008.

"Developing and Validating Stability-Indicating Methods," in Validation Viewpoint. Michael Swartz and Ira Krull. June, p. 586.

Important Guidelines for Optimizing Speed and Sensitivity in Small-Molecule LC–UV and LC–MS. Richard A. Henry and David S. Bell. May, p. 496.

"Overload or Minor Peak," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. May, p. 470.

"Stay Away from the Cliffs!" in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. January, p. 30.

"Successful Gas Chromatography Using Fused-Silica Columns," in Column Watch. Rick Parmely. November, p. 1166.

"What's in a Method?" in GC Connections. John V. Hinshaw. March, p. 272.


"Analytical Method Validation: Accuracy in Quantitation," in Validation Viewpoint. Michael Swartz and Ira Krull. January, p. 46.

"Developing and Validating Stability-Indicating Methods," in Validation Viewpoint. Michael Swartz and Ira Krull. June, p. 586.

"Validation, Qualification, or Verification?" in Validation Viewpoint. Michael Swartz and Ira Krull. October, p. 1100.


Photodegradation and Photostability Studies of Bendroflumethiazide in Pharmaceutical For mulations and Urine Samples by Micellar Liquid Chromatography. M.J. Ruiz Ángel, M.T. Gil AgustíJ.S. Esteve Romero, and S. Carda Broch. February, p. 182.


"Csaba Horváth and the Development of the First Modern High Performance Liquid Chromatograph," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. May, p. 486.

"Early Petroleum Chromatographers," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. December, p. 1274.

"Fifty Years of GC Instrumentation," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. February, p. 142.

"Jim Waters: The Development of GPC and the First Commercial HPLC Instruments," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. August, p. 752.


Choice of Buffer for the Analysis of Basic Peptides in Reversed-Phase HPLC. David V. McCalley. February, p. 162.

Key Factors in Sample Diluent Selection for HPLC Assays of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients. P.W. Wrezel, I. Chion, and R. Pakula. July, p. 682.

The Misunderstood Laboratory Solvent: Reagent Water for HPLC. Stéphane Mabic, Cecilia Regnault, and Jim Krol. January, p. 74.

"Reader Questions: Mobile Phase," in LC Troubleshooting. John W. Dolan. July, p. 662.


"Profiles in Practice: Advances in Science and Geopolitical Issues," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. October, p. 1092.

"Profiles in Practice Series: The High-Speed State of Information and Data Management," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. June, p. 576.

"Profiles in Practice Series: Metabolism Identification and Structural Characterization in Drug Discovery," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. February, p. 136.

"Profiles in Practice Series: A Revolution in Clinical Chemistry," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. August, p. 744.

"Profiles in Practice Series: Stewards of Drug Discovery — Developing and Maintaining the Future Drug Candidates," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. April, p. 376.


"Multidimensional and Comprehensive Liquid Chromatography," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. October, p. 1074.


"New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2005 Pittcon Conference: Part I," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. March, p. 248.


"Chromatography Applications in Drug Discovery of Therapeutic Proteins," in Directions in Discovery. Paul K. Ng and Michael H. Coan. March, p. 280.

"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part I," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. July, p. 676.

"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part II," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. November, p. 1182.

Control of Matrix Effects in Bioanalytical MS-MS Using On-Line Multidimensional Solid-Phase Extraction. Katrin Georgi and Karl-Siegfried Boos. April, p. 396.

Evaluation of Polar-Embedded and Polar-End-capped C12–C18 Stationary Phase Vulnerabilities Toward Highly Nucleophilic Compounds: A Case Study. Larry J. Burge and Christina M. Sorgen. August, p. 762.

A High-Volume, High-Throughput LC–MS Therapeutic Drug Monitoring System. Kolb jorn Zahlsen, Trond Aamo, and Jerry Zweigenbaum. April, p. 384.

Key Factors in Sample Diluent Selection for HPLC Assays of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients. P.W. Wrezel, I. Chion, and R. Pakula. July, p. 682.

Photodegradation and Photostability Studies of Bendroflumethiazide in Pharmaceutical For mulations and Urine Samples by Micellar Liquid Chromatography. M.J. Ruiz Ángel, M.T. Gil AgustíJ.S. Esteve Romero, and S. Carda Broch. February, p. 182.

"Preparative Chiral SFC as a Green Technology for Rapid Access to Enantiopurity in Pharmaceutical Process Research," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. January, p. 16.

"Profiles in Practice Series: Stewards of Drug Discovery — Developing and Maintaining the Future Drug Candidates," in MS — The Practical Art. Michael P. Balogh. April, p. 376.

"Validation, Qualification, or Verification?" in Validation Viewpoint. Michael Swartz and Ira Krull. October, p. 1100.


"Highlights of HPLC 2005," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. September, p. 988.

"New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2005 Pittcon Conference: Part I," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. March, p. 248.

"Preparative Chiral SFC as a Green Technology for Rapid Access to Enantiopurity in Pharmaceutical Process Research," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. January, p. 16.

"Sample Preparation for Large-Scale Protein Purification," in Sample Prep Perspectives. Ronald E. Majors. August, p. 730.


"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part I," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. July, p. 676.

"Capillary Electrophoresis in the Biopharmaceutical Industry: Part II," in Directions in Discovery. Tim Wehr. November, p. 1182.

Choice of Buffer for the Analysis of Basic Peptides in Reversed-Phase HPLC. David V. McCalley. February, p. 162.

"Chromatography Applications in Drug Discovery of Therapeutic Proteins," in Directions in Discovery. Paul K. Ng and Michael H. Coan. March, p. 280.

"Highlights of HPLC 2005," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. September, p. 988.

"Sample Preparation for Large-Scale Protein Purification," in Sample Prep Perspectives. Ronald E. Majors. August, p. 730.


"Adjusting Conditions for a Routine Reversed-Phase HPLC Assay, Part II: Changing Separation Conditions," in Column Watch. John W. Dolan and Lloyd R. Snyder. February, p. 118.

Choice of Buffer for the Analysis of Basic Peptides in Reversed-Phase HPLC. David V. McCalley. February, p. 162.

Elevated Temperature HPLC: Principles and Applications to Small Molecules and Biomolecules. Cuiru Zhu, David M. Goodall, and Stephen A.C. Wren. January, p. 54.

"Fast and Ultrafast HPLC on Sub-2-μm Porous Particles — Where Do We Go from Here?," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. December, p. 1246.

"Fluorinated HPLC Phases — Looking Beyond C18 for Reversed-Phase HPLC," in Column Watch. Matthew Przybyciel. June, p. 554.

"Micropipette Tip-Based Sample Preparation for Bioanalysis," in Sample Prep Perspectives. Ashok Shukla and Ronald E. Majors. July, p. 646.

"New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2005 Pittcon Conference: Part I," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. March, p. 248.

Planar Chromatography Versus Column Chromatography: A Performance Comparison. Pawel K. Zarzycki, Kathrin M. Kulhanek, Roger Smith, Malgorzata A. Bartoszuk, and Henryk Lamparczyk. March, p. 286.


"Micropipette Tip-Based Sample Preparation for Bioanalysis," in Sample Prep Perspectives. Ashok Shukla and Ronald E. Majors. July, p. 646.

"Sample Preparation for Large-Scale Protein Purification," in Sample Prep Perspectives. Ronald E. Majors. August, p. 730.


Control of Matrix Effects in Bioanalytical MS-MS Using On-Line Multidimensional Solid-Phase Extraction. Katrin Georgi and Karl-Siegfried Boos. April, p. 396.

"Micropipette Tip-Based Sample Preparation for Bioanalysis," in Sample Prep Perspectives. Ashok Shukla and Ronald E. Majors. July, p. 646.

"New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2005 Pittcon Conference: Part II," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. April, p. 358.

"Sample Preparation for Large-Scale Protein Purification," in Sample Prep Perspectives. Ronald E. Majors. August, p. 730.


"Jim Waters: The Development of GPC and the First Commercial HPLC Instruments," in Milestones in Chromatography. Leslie S. Ettre. August, p. 752.

"New Chromatography Columns and Accessories at the 2005 Pittcon Conference: Part I," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. March, p. 248.


Control of Matrix Effects in Bioanalytical MS-MS Using On-Line Multidimensional Solid-Phase Extraction. Katrin Georgi and Karl-Siegfried Boos. April, p. 396.

"Micropipette Tip-Based Sample Preparation for Bioanalysis," in Sample Prep Perspectives. Ashok Shukla and Ronald E. Majors. July, p. 646.


"How to Buy Gas Calibration Mixes," in GC Connections. Steve Scheuring and Daniel Bartel. July, p. 668.


Evaluation of Polar-Embedded and Polar-End-capped C12–C18 Stationary Phase Vulnerabilities Toward Highly Nucleophilic Compounds: A Case Study. Larry J. Burge and Christina M. Sorgen. August, p. 762.

"Fluorinated HPLC Phases — Looking Beyond C18 for Reversed-Phase HPLC," in Column Watch. Matthew Przybyciel. June, p. 554.


"Preparative Chiral SFC as a Green Technology for Rapid Access to Enantiopurity in Pharmaceutical Process Research," in Column Watch. Ronald E. Majors. January, p. 16.


Planar Chromatography Versus Column Chromatography: A Performance Comparison. Pawel K. Zarzycki, Kathrin M. Kulhanek, Roger Smith, Malgorzata A. Bartoszuk, and Henryk Lamparczyk. March, p. 286.

"Stationary Phases for Planar Separations — Plates for Modern TLC," in Column Watch. Eike Reich and Anne Schibli. May, p. 458.


"Analytical Method Validation: Accuracy in Quantitation," in Validation Viewpoint. Michael Swartz and Ira Krull. January, p. 46.

"Developing and Validating Stability-Indicating Methods," in Validation Viewpoint. Michael Swartz and Ira Krull. June, p. 586.

"Validation, Qualification, or Verification?" in Validation Viewpoint. Michael Swartz and Ira Krull. October, p. 1100.

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