Faster, Simpler Method Scaling Across Particle Sizes Using the Waters Columns Calculator Compared to Manual Calculation Workflow


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When scaling an established analytical method across columns packed with different particle sizes and different column configurations (internal diameters and lengths), the amount of time that is required outside of the lab to produce the equivalent method conditions is considerable. When dealing with a gradient method, the calculations required include determining the new flow rate, gradient times, and injection volume. An analyst can perform these calculations manually using the appropriate equations or tools like the Waters Columns Calculator. This app note examines two scaling workflows by first performing a theoretical scale-down experiment manually using the appropriate method scaling equations, and then repeating the experiment using the scaled-down conditions generated by the Waters Columns Calculator. Strong agreement between manual calculations and the results using the Waters Columns Calculator validate the Waters Column Calculator for its use in scaling methods effectively, with a significant improvement in time savings and a reduction in potential calculation errors and/or uncertainties.

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