Spectral Quality and Reproducibility in Thermal Modulation Comprehensive GCxGC-MS Mass Spectrometer Using a Rapid Scanning Quadrupole


The Column

ColumnThe Column-10-24-2012
Volume 8
Issue 19
Pages: 9–13

Invented by J. Phillips in 1989, comprehensive GCXGC has strong chromatographic resolving power; from its original petrochemical applications it has been extended to many others. However, coelutions with matrix peaks are often observed and a higher separation power is required.

Invented by J. Phillips in 1989, comprehensive GC×GC has strongchromatographic resolving power; from its original petrochemicalapplications it has been extended to many others. However, coelutionswith matrix peaks are often observed and a higher separation power isrequired. The coupling of GC×GC to mass spectrometry (MS) providesan additional dimension for the identification of compounds concealedunder contour plot displays used in GC×GC.

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