Tackling the Growing Issue of Microplastic Pollution



Thursday October 6, 2022 at 11am EDT | 10am CDT | 8am PDT Combatting the global issue of plastic pollution is critical. Researchers across the globe are working to address this area. Join us as we discuss the two widely accepted analytical pathways to characterize microplastics; spectroscopy techniques and gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry.

Register Free: https://www.chromatographyonline.com/lcgc/pollution

Event Overview:

  1. Combatting the global issue of plastic pollution is critical. Key researchers and organizations across the globe, as well as instrument manufacturers, are working to develop innovative approaches, tools, and technologies to help better characterize microplastics and their impact on our environment and health. Join us as we discuss the two widely accepted analytical pathways to characterize microplastics; spectroscopy techniques and gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry.
    Key Learning Objectives:
  • Learn about detection of the sorbed trace substance and the polymer type in one combined analytical setup (TD-Pyr-GC/MS)
  • Learn what is happening in standards bodies to pave the way for internationally accepted methods
  • Learn about a rapid and highly automated technique to measure particle count, size, and high-quality polymer identification

Who Should Attend:

  • Researchers wanting to measure microplastic contamination in the environment, and polymer ID and mass balance in particular
  • Regulators and members of standards bodies that want to understand what pyrolysis GC-MS can do, and what its limitations are
  • Those who want to understand where the development of standards for microplastics is heading
  • Environmental laboratories who want to add high speed automated microplastics testing


11:00am EDT A New Analytical Approach to Identify and Quantify the Sorption of Trace Organic Compounds on Micro- and Nanoplastic Particles
Julia Reichel, TU München

11:50am EDT The Analysis of Microplastics in Gray Water by Pyrolysis GC-MS: Successes, Challenges, and Standards
Kurt Thaxton, Product Manager, Gerstel

12:40pm EDT Quantifying the Dynamics of the UV-Aging Process of Polystyrene Microplastics
Yuxiong Huang, PhD, Associate Professor, Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University

1:30pm EDT Rapid, Automated Characterization of Microplastics Using Laser Direct Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy
Darren Robey, Product Manager, IR Imaging, Agilent Technologies

Julia Reichel
TU München

Kurt Thaxton
Product Manager

Yuxiong Huang, PhD
Associate Professor
Shenzhen International Graduate School, Tsinghua University

Darren Robey
Product Manager: IR Imaging
Agilent Technologies

Register Free: https://www.chromatographyonline.com/lcgc/pollution

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