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The SEC separation of recombinant human growth hormone somatotropin with good peak shape and separation of high molecular weight aggregate was observed.
Executive Summary: Addressing Regulatory Requirements for CRISPR sgRNA Purity with Orthogonal Chromatography
The increasing demand for high-purity, regulatory-compliant guide RNA (gRNA) manufacturing in the CRISPR gene editing market underscores the need for advanced production capabilities.
Quantitation of Extractable PFAS in Consumer Products
This application demonstrates the LC-MS/MS analysis of 46 PFAS and 25 surrogate compounds in solid matrices using a newly developed, cost-effective workflow.
Implement USP 621 changes for higher productivity
This application note introduces our simple and effective KNAUER HPLC Method Converter for modernising analytical methods according to the allowed USP 621 variations.
Identification & Quantification of Microplastics Using Pyrolysis-GC/MS
This application note demonstrates micro-furnace pyrolysis-GC/MS for identification and quantification of microplastic polymers in food packaging materials.
Determination of Total Fluorine & Chlorine in Food Packaging using Combustion Ion Chromatography
This study analyzes total fluorine and chlorine in food packaging using combustion ion chromatography, ensuring consumer safety amid PFAS restrictions and regulations.
Unlocking LC-MS Potential with the MOBIE® System: Use Cases Demonstrating the Power of Next-Generation Separation Science in Drug Development, PFAS, Food Analysis, and Clinical Research Applications