Agilent LC/MS Solutions That Are Clearly Better


Only Agilent LC/MS platforms let you take full advantage of UHPLC and HPLC-Chip separations for your most demanding qualitative and quantitative analyses.

Clearly Better Together

Only Agilent LC/MS platforms are able to unlock the full power of Agilent’s 1290 Infinity LC and 1200 HPLC-Chip/MS technologies. Our integrated, Agilent-reliable Q-TOF and Triple Quadrupole systems let you take full advantage of UHPLC and HPLC-Chip separations—providing high-performance, ultra-competitive solutions for the most demanding qualitative and quantitative analyses.

Clearly Better Separations

With the industry’s widest power range, the Agilent 1290 Infinity LC delivers faster, more sensitive, higher resolution separations, plus unprecedented methods flexibility.

For the highest sensitivity for small-volume samples, Agilent’s 1200 HPLC-Chip/MS offers simpler, better nanoflow separations and faster setup—along with interchangeable workflows that maximize your productivity.

Clearly Better MS Analysis

Ultra-High Definition Q-TOF Technology in our 6500 Series Accurate-Mass Q-TOF platforms provides femtogram-level sensitivity for low-abundance compounds. And Agilent 6400 Series Triple Quadrupole systems take sensitivity to sub-femtogram levels, while also achieving better reproducibility.

Get a free LC/MS compendium to find out how Agilent’s Clearly Better LC/MS solutions can help you extract every bit of information from the most challenging samples:


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