Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) on SGE BP5MS


The Application Notebook

The Application NotebookThe Application Notebook-07-01-2015
Issue 0

Used extensively from the 1940s through the 1960s, organochlorine pesticides are chlorinated hydrocarbons used in agriculture and mosquito control. The organochlorine pesticides accumulate in the environment, presenting an ongoing issue with adsorption and accumulation in the population as a result of ingestion.

Used extensively from the 1940s through the 1960s, organochlorine pesticides are chlorinated hydrocarbons used in agriculture and mosquito control. Representative compounds in this group include DDT, methoxychlor, dieldrin, chlordane, toxaphene, mirex, kepone, lindane, and benzene hexachloride. Many organochlorine pesticides have been banned in the United States and Europe; however, they are still used in developing countries. The chemicals can be ingested in fish, dairy products, and other fatty foods that are contaminated. The organochlorine pesticides accumulate in the environment, presenting an ongoing issue with adsorption and accumulation in the population as a result of ingestion.


Experimental Conditions

Instrument:     TRACE - GC/POLARIS-Q
Carrier gas:     He (1.5 mL/min)
Injector:     Split/Splitless mode
Injector temp.:    275 °C
Split mode:     Splitless (1 min split valve closed)
Split flow:     30 mL/min    
Column:    30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25-μm BP5MS
    (P/N 054310)
Oven temp.:    60 °C (5 min) - 8 °C/min -
    300 °C (10 min)
MS transfer line temp.:     300 °C    
MS type:     ITD                MS source temp.:    225 °C
MS acquisition mode:    Segmented scan 45–450 amu


Figure 1: Sample chromatograms. [Click Image to Enlarge].


Trajan Scientific and Medical
Crownhill Business Centre
14 Vincent Avenue
Crownhill, Milton Keynes
MK8 0AB, United Kingdom

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