Analytica 2014 Tuesday Afternoon Sessions


Analytica 2014 Tuesday Afternoon Sessions

International Congress Center Munich (ICM) Room 2

Session Title: Imaging Technologies

Session chaired by Professor Hoffmann

12:00 — Axel Walch:MALDI Molecular Imaging of Proteins, Metabolites and Drugs for Preclinical and Clinical Research 12:30 — Pavel Hozak:Imaging in Search for new Functions of Nuclear Phospholipids

Session Title: Metabolomics

Session chaired byProfessor Xu

14:00 — Guowang Xu:Metabolomics Should Pay Great Attention to Standard Operating Procedures 14:30 — Xianlin Han:Analyzing Thousands of Individual Cellular Lipid Species without HPLC Separation15:00 — Boguslaw Buszewski: Purification and Preconcentrationof Mycotoxins and its Metabolites by Molecularly Imprinted Adsorbents for Biomedical Analysis16:00 — Philipp Schmitt-Kopplin:The Need of Integrating Multiple Analytical Dimensions in Metabolomics 16:30 — Coral Barbas:Approaching Analytical Challenges in Metabolomics 17:00— Georgios Theodoridis: Metabolomics as a Tool for the Detection of Biomarkers of Physical Exercise17:30 — Matej Oresic:Analysis of Lipidomes in Health and Disease — a Systems Approach (Abstract)

International Congress Center Munich (ICM) Room 3

Session Title: The new Challenge in Water Analysis: Metabolites, Transformation Products and Non-Target Analysis

Session chaired by Professor Schmidt

12:00 — Wolfgang Schulz:The new Challenge in Water Analysis: Transformation Products and Non-Target Analysis in Combination with Effect Directed Analysis12:30 — Arne Wick:The Challenge of Identification and Quantification of Transformations Products in the Water Cycle13:00 — Damia Barceló — Identification of new Transformation Products of Selected Antibiotics formed during Advanced Oxidation, Photolysis and Enzymatic Wastewater Treatment Processes by on-line Turbulent Flow Liquid-Chromatography-LTQ-Orbitrap MS

Session Title: Service to Mankind: The Changing Faces of Analytical Chemistry

Session chaired by Professor Sweedler and Professor Nießner

14:00 — Jonathan Sweedler:The Evolving Frontiers of Analytical Chemistry14:30 — Bob Kennedy: The Nanoliter Lab: Using Droplet Microfluidics for High-Throughput Chemical Analysis15:00 — Dan Armstrong: Ionic Liquids in Separations and Mass Spectrometry16:00 — Francis Ligler: Hydrodynamic Focusing for Biosensors and Biomaterials Fabrication 16:30 — Yoshi Baba:Nano- and Quantum-Biodevices for Cancer Diagnosis, Cancer Therapy, and iPS Cell Based Regenerative Medicine17:00 — John Yates:Driving Biological Discovery Using Mass Spectrometry

International Congress Center Munich (ICM) Room 4a

Session Title: Miniaturized Analytical Systems

Session chaired by Professor Belder

12:00 — Petra S. Dittrich:Microchambers and Microdroplets: New Perspectives for Proteomics and Single-Cell Analysis12:30 — Gerald Urban: Pathogen Analysis on Chip: Sample Enrichment, Preparation and Detection 13:00 — Richard Moseley:Development of a Miniaturized Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

Session Title: Autoantikörper gegen G-Protein gekoppelte Rezeptoren und Herz-Kreislauf-Krankheiten Chemistry

Session chaired by Professor Schimke

14:00 —Gerd Wallukat: Autoantikörper gegen G-Protein gekoppelte Rezeptoren bei Herz-Kreislauf-Krankheiten: Historischer Hintergrund und Prävalenz14:30 — Viacheslav Nikolaev: Analytik von Autoantikörpern gegen G-Protein gekoppelte Rezeptoren 15:00 — Fritz Boege:Autoantikörper in ihren molekularen Wechselwirkungen mit G-Protein gekoppelten Rezeptoren am Beispiel von beta1-Rezeptor-Autoantikörpern: Änderung von Rezeptorkonformation, -aktivität und –internalisierung als pathogene Stimuli bei Dilatativer Kardiomyopa16:00 — Roland Jahns: Tierexperimenteller Nachweis der Pathogenität von Autoantikörpern gegen G-Protein gekoppelte Rezeptoren am Beispiel von beta1-Rezeptor-Autoantikörpern und Dilatativer Kardiomyopathie16:30 — Rudolf Kunze: Therapeutische Apherese von Autoantikörpern gegen G-Protein gekoppelte Rezeptoren: Technologie und Nutzen17:00 — Ingolf Schimke:Therapiestrategien zur in vivo Neutralisation von Autoantikörpern gegen G-Protein gekoppelte Rezeptoren. Was kann die Zukunft bringen?

International Congress Center Munich (ICM) Room 5

Session Title: Aerosol and Health: A Challenge for Chemical and Biological Analysis

Session chaired by Professor Zimmermann

12:00 — James Schauer:Elucidating the Role of the Chemistry of Inhaled Aerosols to the Biological Pathways Leading to Adverse Health Effects 12:30 — Yoshitru Iinuma: Secondary Organic Aerosol Analysis: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities14:00 — John G. Watson: Advances in Multi-Sample Characterization of Carbonaceous and Optical Properties in Atmospheric Aerosols          14:30 — Markus Kalberer: Quantification of Health-Relevant Aerosol Components: Development of Novel Analytical Techniques15:00 — Zoran Ristovski: Measurements of Oxidative Capacity of Combustion Generated Nanoparticles using Profluorescent Nitroxide Probes16:00 — Ian Gilmour:Comparative Chemistry and Toxicity of Emissions from Biodiesel and Biomass Combustion Sources16:30 — Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser:Combining 3D Lung Cultures and Aerosol Exposures at the Air-Liquid Interface – a new Generation of Realistic Risk Assessment Systems 17:00 — Per Schwarze:Effects of Complex Mixtures of Chemicals: Emphasis on Extracts from Diesel Exhaust Particles17:30 — Maria Antiñolo:Redox-Cycling Activity and Peroxides in Atmospheric Particles: Their Relationship to Aerosol Composition


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