Analytica 2016 Thursday Afternoon Sessions
Session Title: Lab on Chip Technologies (Room 02)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. A. Manz
12:00 -
C.A. Merten:
Living Droplets – Functional Screening of Antibodies and Vaccines at High Throughput
12:30 -
A. Manz:
Biomimetic Channels and Channel Networks
13:00 -
H. Becker:
Lab-on-a-Chip Technologies: From the Academic Lab to Industrial Products
Session Title: Laboratory Management (Room 04a)
Chairman: Dr. M. Orth
12:10 -
M. Orth:
QMS Standards in the Medical Laboratory (EN 15189, EN 17020, EN 17025, Rilibäk or SLIPTA)
12:50 -
S. Yenice:
Evolving Clinical Laboratory Management through Implementation of a Risk Assessment Plan
Session Title: Disruptive Imaging Technologies (Room 02)
Chairman: Dr. E. Freierâ¨
14:00 -
N. de Jonge:
Electron Microscopy of Growth Factor Receptors in Intact Cancer Cells in Liquid
14:30 -
B. Balluff:
Mass Spectrometry Imaging
15:00 -
J. Moger:
To Be Announced
15:30 -
16:00 -
K. König:
In Vivo Multimodal Histology with the Multiphoton/CARS Tomograph
16:30 -
Z. Jiang:
Video-Rate Label-Free Imaging with CARS Microscopy
Session Title: Endocrinological Laboratory Diagnostics of Hypertension (Room 04a)
Chairman: Dr. M. Bidlingmaier
14:00 -
M. Peitzsch:
LC–MS–MS based Diagnostics of Catecholamine Producing Tumours as a Cause of Secondary Hypertension
14:30 -
K. Ritzel:
Update: The Diagnosis of Cushing’s Syndrome
15:00 -
Y. J. Bae:
Salivary Cortisol and Cortisone in Psychoneuroendocrinology
15:30 - Break
16:00 -
M. Vogeser:
Cortisol- Standardisation of Immunoassay and LC–MS–MS
16:30 -
M. Bidlingmaier:
Primary Aldosteronism
Session Title: New Strategies in Modern Analytical Spectroscopy – Surprising Insights (Room 05)
Chairman: Dr. W. Buscher
12:00 -
E. Krupp:
Is Mercury Detoxification Responsible for Brain Disease? A Study on Pilot Whales
12:30 -
A. Römpp:
Recent Trends and Developments in Mass Spectrometry Imaging
13:00 -
C. Haisch:
Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy in Microbiology
13:30 - Break
14:00 -
J. Feldmann:
Arsenic Speciation becomes Almost as Complex as Carbon Speciation
14:30 -
J. Bettmer:
ICP-MS Methods for the Analysis of Gold Nanoparticles in Cell Cultures, Biological Fluids and Tissues
15:00 -
T. Vielhaber:
Nanoparticle Imaging in Biological Tissues
15:30 - Break
16:00 -
J. Popp:
Individual Therapy Based on Powerful Diagnosis - Potentials and Limitation of Biophotonics
16:30 -
M. Montes-Bayon:
Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as Therapy for Iron Deficiency: Analytical Challenges
Session Title: Optimal Design of Experiments (Room 03)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. B. Hitzmann
12:00 -
O. Paquet-Durand:
Optimal Experimental Design for the Parameter Estimation of Hydration Kinetics of Wheat Grains
12:30 -
F. Neddermeyer:
Online OED for the Autotrophic Cultivation of Ralstonia Eutropha
13:00 -
M. Illner:
Systematic Approach for Online Spectroscopy in Technical Systems – Experimental Design for Raman Spectroscopy in Micro Emulsions
Session Title: Spectroscopic Techniques for Bioprocess Monitoring (Room 03)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. B. Hitzmann
14:00 - D. Solle:
Spectroscopic Analytical Technology for Bioprocesses – Challenges, Limitations, and Possibilities
14:30 -
A. Pitters:
Process Raman Spectroscopy for In-Line Monitoring of Mammalian Cell Cultures in Real Time
15:00 -
R. Vangenechten:
Using PAT as a Qualitative Tool for Bioreactor Monitoring
15:30 - Break
16:00 -
T. Becker:
Bioprocess Monitoring Using NIR and Fluorometric Measurements – Development of Novel Concepts
16:30 -
S. Assawajaruwan:
Selection Techniques for Significant Fluorescence Wavelength Combinations
Session Title: Begleiter im Analytischen Alltag zur “Informationsextraktion” (Room 04b)
Chairman: Dr. W. von Tümpling
12:00 - S. Prikler:
Probennahme - der unterschätzte Teil des analytisches Prozesses
12:30 -
W. von Tümpling:
Monitoring Daten - Möglichkeiten der "Informationsextraktion" mit chemometrischen Methoden
13:00 -
M. Winterstein:
Messunsicherheit und Grenzwert
Session Title: Advances in Electroanalysis (Room 04b)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. F.-M. Matysik
14:00 -
M.V. Mirkin:
Electroanalysis with Carbon Nanoprobes
14:30 -
E. Bakker:
New Opportunities for Ion Sensing with Thin Layers
15:00 -
H. Oberacher:
Studying Oxidation Reactions of Nucleic Acids with Electrochemistry-Mass Spectrometry
15:30 - Break
16:00 - V. VyskoÄil:
Electrochemical DNA Biosensors for Screening of Genotoxic Compounds
16:30 -
A. Kiss:
High-Speed SECM Imaging
The Next Frontier for Mass Spectrometry: Maximizing Ion Utilization
January 20th 2025In this podcast, Daniel DeBord, CTO of MOBILion Systems, describes a new high resolution mass spectrometry approach that promises to increase speed and sensitivity in omics applications. MOBILion recently introduced the PAMAF mode of operation, which stands for parallel accumulation with mobility aligned fragmentation. It substantially increases the fraction of ions used for mass spectrometry analysis by replacing the functionality of the quadrupole with high resolution ion mobility. Listen to learn more about this exciting new development.