Analytica 2016 Wednesday Afternoon Sessions
Session Title: Omics Technologies Standardization (Room 02)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. C. Huber
12:00 - B. Delanghe:
Integration of Multiple ‘Omics Data
12:30 - J. Cox:
The Perseus Computational Platform for Comprehensive Analysis of (prote)Omics Data
13:00 - B. Kuster:
ProteomeTools – Reagents, Assays, and Informatics for the Next Generation of Proteomic Research
Session Title: Immunology (Room 04a)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. H. Renz
12:00 - J. M. Hollidt:
Companion Diagnostics in Immunology: Today and What are the Trends?
12:30 - F. Bier:
Immunodiagnostics Meets Mobile-Health
13:00 - H. Renz:
Biomarker in der Stratifizierung von Allergie- und Asthmapatienten
Session Title: Metabolomics - New Technologies (Room 02)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. G. Xu
14:00 - G. Xu:
Towards the Comprehensive Analysis of Metabolome
14:30 - K. Dettmer:
GC-APCI-TOFMS - A Valuable Tool in Metabolomics
15:00 - L. Li:
Development of High-Performance Chemical Isotope Labeling LC–MS for Quantitative Metabolomics with High Coverage
15:30 - Break
16:00 - R. Ramautar:
Low-Flow Sheathless Capillary Electrophoresis–Mass Spectrometry for Comprehensive Profiling of Ionogenic Metabolites in Ultra-Small Biological Samples
16:30 - M. HolÄapek:
Analytical Monitoring of Lipidomic Changes for Selected Types of Cancer
17:00 - J. Griffin:
Fat, Sugar and Metabolomics – Understanding how Diabetes Using Mass Spectrometry
Session Title: Reference Values und Extraanalytical Quality(Room 04a)
Chairman: Dr. T. Streichert and Prof. Dr. M. Fiedler
14:00 - T. Streichert:
New Model for Defining Performance Criteria
14:30 - J. Zierk:
A Multi-Center Approach to Continuous Pediatric Reference Intervals
15:00 - R. Baber:
Preanalytical Aspects of Liquid Biobanking
15:30 - A. Leichtle:
Biobank Bern – Integration in den labormedizinischen Prozess
Session Title: Accreditation in the Medical Laboratory (Room 04a)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. E. Wieland
16:00 - E. Wieland:
Measurement of Immunosuppressive Drugs in Clinical Practice: Recommendations of the IATDMCT Immunosuppressive Drugs Scientific Committee
16:30 - F. Spitzenberger:
Characteristics of the New European IVD Regulation and Implications for Medical Laboratories
Session Title: Energy & Fuel (Room 05)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. R. Zimmermann
12:10 - R. Rodgers:
Advanced Characterization of Heteroatom-Containing Species in Petroleum
12:30 - F. Dorman:
Utilizing GCxGC-TOFMS and GCxGC-HRTOFMS to Determine the Source of a Groundwater Supply Contamination Incident Due to Marcellus Shale Gas Development
12:50 - T. Streibel:
Characterization of Crude Oils and Asphaltenes by Pyrolysis GC–MS and Thermal Analysis Coupled to Photo Ionization Mass Spectrometry
13:10 - T. Gröger:
The Application of Multidimensional Chromatographic Techniques with Different Detection Systems for a Detailed Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Medium and High Boiling Petrochemical Matrices from Fuel Processing
13:30 - Break
14:00 - P. Giusti:
Recent Advances in Molecular Characterization of Complex Industrial Matrices such as Oils and Polymers
14:20 - T. Wilharm:
Ignition Characteristics of Fuels in a New Constant Volume Combustion Chamber
14:20 - K.A. Schug:
Application of Gas Chromatography – Vacuum Ultraviolet Spectroscopy for Petrochemicals Analysis
15:00 - A. Maximov:
Analytical Methods for Development of Catalytic Slurry Hydroprocessing of Heavy Feedstocks
15:20 - F. David:
The Role of GC Separation, MS Ionization, and MS Resolution in Fuel Characterization
15:40 - Break
16:00 - J.T. Andersson:
Your Petroleum May be Quite Different from what Electrospray–Mass Spectrometry Makes you Believe
16:20 - F.G.A. van den Berg:
Characterization of Complex High-Boiling Petroleum Compounds: An Industrial Perspective
16:40 - T. Lynch:
Selective Ionization and High Resolution Mass Spectrometry – Some Applications from the Petrochemical Industry
Session Title: Trace Analysis of Wastewater (Room 03)
Chairman: Dr. W. Schulz
12:00 - C. vom Eyser:
Analysis of Wastewater Using Online-SPE-LC–MS–MS and µLC–MS–MS
12:30 - J. Hollender:
Strategies to Trace Organic Micropollutants and Their Transformation Products During Wastewater Treatment Processes
13:00 - S.C. Weiss:
Effect-Directed Analysis with Thin-Layer Chromatography - A Complementary Screening Method for the Investigation of Wastewater
13:30 - Break
Session Title: High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry - Where Do We Stand Today in Clinical & Forensic Toxicology(Room 03)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. H. H. Maurer
14:00 - H.H. Maurer:
Ion Trap or Q-Orbitrap for Metabolite-Based Drug Screening?
14:30 - K.L. Lynch:
Q-TRAP or Q-TOF for Comprehensive Drug Screening?
15:00 - A. Helander:
Use of Q Exactive Orbitrap HRMS for Monitoring NPS in the STRIDA project
15:30 - Break
16:00 - I. Ojanperä:
Q-TOF for Drug Screening in Postmortem Toxicology
16:30 - L. Couchman:
High-Resolution Accurate-Mass (HR-AM, Q Exactive) for Drug qQuantitation
17:00 - F. Hernandez:
Potential of HRMS (LC–QTOF-MS) in Wastewater Drug Testing
Session Title: ABC’s Spotlight on the Nanoworld (Room 04b)
Chairman: Prof. Dr. G. Gauglitz
12:00 - M. L. Soriano:
Exploiting Nanotechnological Tools to Extract Information from the Nanoworld
12:30 - C. Contado:
Field-Flow Fractionation: Tools for Exploring the NanoWorld
13:00 - N L. Sabbatini:
Nano-Antimicrobials, Synthesis, Analytical Characterization, Performances in Real World Case Studies
13:30 - Break
Chairman: Dr. M. Vogel
14:00 - D. C. Muddiman:
IR MALDESI: A Novel Molecular Microscopy Method to Determine Drug Distributions in Tissues
14:30 - B. Meermann:
ICP-MS, AF4, and Stable Isotopes: Analytical Tools for Tracing and Quantification of Engineered Nanoparticles in Complex Matrices
15:00 - H.H. Gorris:
Prospects of Photon-Upconverting Nanoparticles for Analytical Chemistry
15:30 - Break
16:00 - G. Proll:
Sensing Strategies for the Detection of Engineered Nanoparticles in Complex Matrices
16:30 - D. Cialla-May:
SERS as Powerful Tool in Bioanalytics
17:00 - C. Kranz:
High-Resolution Electrochemical Imaging
The Next Frontier for Mass Spectrometry: Maximizing Ion Utilization
January 20th 2025In this podcast, Daniel DeBord, CTO of MOBILion Systems, describes a new high resolution mass spectrometry approach that promises to increase speed and sensitivity in omics applications. MOBILion recently introduced the PAMAF mode of operation, which stands for parallel accumulation with mobility aligned fragmentation. It substantially increases the fraction of ions used for mass spectrometry analysis by replacing the functionality of the quadrupole with high resolution ion mobility. Listen to learn more about this exciting new development.
The Complexity of Oligonucleotide Separations
January 9th 2025Peter Pellegrinelli, Applications Specialist at Advanced Materials Technology (AMT) explains the complexity of oligonucleotide separations due to the unique chemical properties of these molecules. Issues such as varying length, sequence complexity, and hydrophilic-hydrophobic characteristics make efficient separations difficult. Separation scientists are addressing these challenges by modifying mobile phase compositions, using varying ion-pairing reagents, and exploring alternative separation modes like HILIC and ion-exchange chromatography. Due to these complexities, AMT has introduced the HALO® OLIGO column, which offers high-resolution, fast separations through its innovative Fused-Core® technology and high pH stability. Alongside explaining the new column, Peter looks to the future of these separations and what is next to come.