The Application Notebook
When working with complex matrices such as personal care products, sample preparation is perhaps the most difficult step of the analysis process. By utilizing a targeted sample preparation technique, such as ion-exchange SPE, analysis can be significantly improved as compared to less targeted techniques such as liquid-liquid extraction.
When working with complex matrices such as personal care products, sample preparation is perhaps the most difficult step of the analysis process. By utilizing a targeted sample preparation technique, such as ion-exchange SPE, analysis can be significantly improved as compared to less targeted techniques such as liquid-liquid extraction. Our work successfully extracted metronidazole from foaming facial cleanser using a polymeric cation-exchange SPE sorbent, Strata™ -X-C, followed by a rapid LC–MS-MS analysis on a Kinetex® 2.6 µm XB-C18 HPLC/UHPLC core-shell column.
Sample Pretreatment:
1. Dissolve 0.250 g of Foaming Facial Cleanser in 10 mL of 0.1 N HCl
2. Vortex until homogeneous
3. Centrifuge sample at 5000g for 5 min
The pretreated sample is further cleaned up and concentrated using SPE.
Cartridge: Strata-X-C, 30 mg/3 mL
Condition: 1 mL methanol
Equilibrate: 1 mL 0.1 N HCl
Load: 3 mL of pretreated sample
Wash 1: 3 mL 0.1 N HCl
Wash 2: 3 mL methanol
Wash 3: 6 mL ethyl acetate
Dry: 5 min under full vacuum
Elute: 1 mL 5% NH4OH in methanol (v/v)
Dry down: Evaporate under a stream of nitrogen gas at 50 °C until dry
Reconstitute: Reconstitute samples with 200 µL of methanol/0.1% formic acid (10:90)
We were able to effectively extract metronidazole from foaming facial cleanser using a targeted SPE procedure on Strata-X-C polymeric SPE sorbent. The cation-exchange properties of the Strata-X-C SPE sorbent targeted the sp2 hybridized nitrogen at the 3 position of the imidazole ring in the metronidazole structure, forming a tight bond between the sorbent and the metronidazole compound. The strong interaction allowed a strong solvent wash of ethyl acetate to be performed which removed a significant amount of matrix interferences (Figure 1).
Figure 1: The vial on the left was not subjected to a strong organic wash and therefore contains matrix interferences such as foaming agents. After a strong ethyl acetate wash, matrix interferences are no longer present in the vial on the right.
By implementing a targeted SPE method, matrix interferences were significantly removed from a foaming facial cleanser matrix. This cleanup process allowed for a sensitive LC–MS-MS method that could detect metronidazole at low levels, down to 100 pg/mL. (Visit and search for Application No. 20631 for LC–MS-MS conditions).
Phenomenex Inc.
411 Madrid Avenue, Torrance, CA 90501
Tel. (310) 212-0555, (310) 328-7768
LC/MS Based Characterization Workflow of GLP-1 Therapeutic Peptide Liraglutide and Its Impurities
January 14th 2025This application note demonstrates a liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer (LC/Q-TOF MS) workflow for the identification and characterization of therapeutic peptides.