Jared Anderson Wins Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award


The 2016 Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award was presented to Jared L. Anderson, professor of chemistry at Iowa State University, at Pittcon 2016.

The 2016 Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award was presented to Jared L. Anderson, professor of chemistry at Iowa State University, at Pittcon 2016. The award was presented by Elias S. Absey, the chair of the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP).    Anderson’s research focuses on the development of stationary phases for multidimensional gas chromatography, alternative approaches in sample preparation, particularly in nucleic acid extraction, and developing analytical tools for trace analysis within active pharmaceutical ingredients. He was also the recipient of the 2010 LCGC Emerging Leader in Chromatography award and is on LCGC North America’s editorial advisory board.   The Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award is presented annually by the SACP at Pittcon to recognize individuals for outstanding achievements in the fields of analytical chemistry or applied spectroscopy within 10 years after completion of their PhD work. 

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