An MDL Study Using Automated Solid Phase Extraction of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (AB 8270 SIM ) in Water


The Application Notebook

The Application NotebookThe Application Notebook-02-01-2013
Volume 0
Issue 0

EPA Method 8270 is used to determine the concentration of semi-volatile organic compounds in extracts prepared from solid waste matrices such as soils, air sampling media, and water samples. Extractions from water samples can be particularly difficult and time consuming due to the problematic analytes that need to be extracted, concentrated, and analyzed.

EPA Method 8270 is used to determine the concentration of semi-volatile organic compounds in extracts prepared from solid waste matrices such as soils, air sampling media, and water samples. Extractions from water samples can be particularly difficult and time consuming due to the problematic analytes that need to be extracted, concentrated, and analyzed. As well as the large quantities of solvent the manual sample process requires. Laboratories are required to report analytes at lower reporting limits than previously required, often needing to employ SIM scan variations of the method.

Given the recovery variability of 8270 compounds and the time it takes to conduct manual extractions, complete automation of the sample prep process is often viewed as the Holy Grail of Sample Prep. The following application outlines the complete automation of a modified 8270 extraction, delivering a complete, out-of-the box MDL study demonstrating both precision and accuracy for mixed classes of low-level analytes.

Figure 1: PowerPrep™ SPE and SuperVap™ Concentrator systems.


The results in Table I show the recoveries of all seven MDL replicates extracted on the FMS PowerPrep™ SPE/ SuperVap Direct-to-Vial Concentration system. The results demonstrate the ability of the FMS Total Sample Prep approach to deliver precise, consistent recoveries at ultra low level concentrations and with extreme precision. The combination of high recoveries and low standard deviations deliver a low-level MDL that is easy to achieve.

Table I: MDL data compiled over seven replicates

The FMS PowerPrep SPE and SuperVap Direct-to-Vial system totally automated turnkey solution is an ideal choice for automating a wide range of compound classes.

FMS Inc.

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