Sponsored Content - EU
Sensitive detection of more than 250 pesticide residues in foods using the Agilent Ultivo Triple Quadrupole LC/MS system
Determination of Total Fluorine & Chlorine in Food Packaging using Combustion Ion Chromatography
This study analyzes total fluorine and chlorine in food packaging using combustion ion chromatography, ensuring consumer safety amid PFAS restrictions and regulations.
Pesticide Residue Analysis in High-Lipid Food Samples
This application note highlights the benefits of the LipiFiltr® cartridge for multi-class, multi-residue pesticide analysis in complex, high-fat samples.
Analysis of N-Glycans Using HPAEC-PAD/MS
Efficient separation N-glycans and isomers by HPAEC and quantification with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (PAD) and MS for identification.
Oligo– and Polysaccharides in Honey
Separation of oligo- and polysaccharides in honey up to DP40 within 25 minutes run time, enabling fast profiling of fraudulent/adulterated honey.
Honey Fraud/Adulteration
Optimized method for oligo– and polysaccharides profiling by separating fructo– and maltooligosaccharides for honey adulterations (fraud) measurements.
Lactose and Isomers in ‘Lactose-free’ Labelled Products (Oct 2024)
Fast separation (within 8 min) and quantification of lactose and its isomers in commercial lactose-free products using HPAEC-PAD.