Pittcon Announces 2010 Technical Program


The Pittcon Program Committee has announced that the 2010 Technical Program listing of sessions is now available on the Pittcon website.

The Pittcon Program Committee has announced that the 2010 Technical Program listing of sessions is now available on the Pittcon website: www.pittcon.org . The Technical Program which begins Sunday, February 28 and closes on Thursday, March 4, 2010, will consist of 62 symposia, 28 organized contributed sessions, 120 oral sessions, 8 workshops, 45 conferee networking sessions, and 88 poster sessions.

For the first time, as a value-added feature, Pittcon will provide conferees and exhibitors with password-only access to webcast versions of 10 selected symposia for 60 days after the end of the conference. These selected symposia listed below will also be be identified in the preliminary and final programs.

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