Tuesday Morning Parallel Session: HPLC-Mass Spectrometry: Quantification and Identification - I


This Tuesday morning Parallel Session will be chaired by Paola Dugo of the University of Messina in Italy. It will take place in the Golden Gate Ballroom C, floor B2 level.

2C, Tuesday Parallel Session: HPLC-Mass Spectrometry: Quantification and Identification – I

Golden Gate Ballroom C, floor B2 level

This Tuesday morning Parallel Session will be chaired by Paola Dugo of the University of Messina in Italy.

The session will begin at 8:30 am with a presentation by Gary Valaskovic of New Objective Inc. in Woburn, Massachusetts, titled “Nanospray and High Performance Microspray: The Perfect Fit for Quantitative LC–MS Bioanalysis.”

Following Valaskovic’s presentation, Yinsheng Wang of the University of California in Riverside, California, will discuss “LC–MS-MS for Assessing the Occurrence, Biological Consequences, and Repair of Oxidatively Induced Bulky DNA Lesions.”

Next, Remco van Soest of SCIEX in Redwood City, California will present “Improving the Sensitivity for an Immunocapture LC–MS Assay of Infliximab in Rat Plasma Using Trap-and-Elute MicroLC–MS.”

The session will conclude with a talk given by Ira Lurie of George Washington University in Washington D.C. called “Application of ‘Flip Flop’ Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography to the Analysis of Drugs in Urine.”

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