Pittcon announces award winners


LCGC Europe eNews

LCGC Europe eNewsLCGC Europe eNews-12-16-2011
Volume 0
Issue 0

The Pittcon 2012 programme committee has announced the recipients of 11 awards that will be presented during a symposium at the conference.

The Pittcon 2012 program committee has announced the recipients of 11 awards that will be presented during a symposium at the conference.

The awards honor those scientists who have made outstanding contributions in the fields of analytical chemistry and applied spectroscopy.

The full list of winners and awards is as follows: Pittsburgh Analytical Chemistry Award, Alan G. Marshall, Florida State University; Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award, W.E. Moerner, Stanford University; Pittcon Heritage Award, which honors Genzo Shimadzu, Sr. (1839–1894) and Genzo Shimadzu, Jr. (1868–1951), Shimadzu, Shijehiko Hattori, Shimadzu chairman of the board, will be accepting the award; Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award, Christy L. Haynes, University of Minnesota; ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry Award for Young Investigators in Separation Science, Jared L. Anderson, University of Toledo; Bomem-Michelson Award, Joel M. Harris, University of Utah; Dal Nogare Award, Purnendu K. Dasgupta, University of Texas; Charles N. Reilley Award, Debra Rolison, Naval Research Laboratory; Young Investigator Award, Lane Baker, Indiana University; Ralph N. Adams Award, Jonathan V. Sweedler, University of Illinois; and Williams Wright Award, Richard Crocombe, Thermo Fisher Scientific.

The conference will run from March 11–15, 2012 and will be held at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida.

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