January 31st 2025
Here is some of the most popular content posted on LCGC International this week.
Analysis of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers by Comprehensive GCxGC-TOFMS
February 1st 2009Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) are persistent environmental contaminants that are being extensively studied by environmental researchers worldwide. Their potential for toxicological impacts on humans and wildlife has made them a focal point of regulatory agencies. Their widespread use as flame retardants in electronics, household furniture, and many other building materials has lead to a need for analysis of many different sample matrices, including very complex environmental samples.
Comprehensive 2D GC–QPMS with Differential Flow Modulation
November 1st 2008Differential flow modulation is an inexpensive way to perform GCÃ-GC separations which has been attracting growing attention recently. Differential flow modulation uses high carrier gas flow rates in the second dimension column so it is widely thought that this rules out direct coupling with mass spectrometry. However direct coupled GCÃ-GC-QPMS using differential flow modulation is reported here for the first time using an unmodified mass spectrometer comprising a dual inlet turbomolecular pump and fast scanning quadrupole mass analyser. The suitability of the approach for characterization of essential oils is demonstrated.
Researchers Develop 2D GC with FID Method for Determining the Make Up of Biodiesel Fuel
October 1st 2008Researchers Philip Marriott from the RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia), Warawut Tiyapongpattana, and Prapin Wilairat from the Mahidol University (Bangkok, Thailand) have developed a 2D GC with FID method for determining the composition of biofuels that extends to the C4-C24 esters. They reasoned that a 2D separation, based first on boiling point then on polarity, would provide better resolution of the components.
Inside the Personalized Medicine Toolbox: GCxGC-Mass Spectrometry for High-Throughput Profiling...
The authors present results that suggest that high-throughput, high-coverage profiling capabilities, such as those afforded by GCxGC-TOF-MS, can impact the development of personalized medicine.
Analysis of Pharmaceutical Residual Solvents Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatograhy
January 1st 2008Comprehensive GCxGC was employed for the separation of ICH and USP 1, 2, and 3 pharmaceutical solvents. The significantly improved peak capacity in GCxGC allows a single method for any combination of solvents and mitigates interference due to impurities in the solvents, diluents, analyte matrices, and from column or septum bleed, through the increased separation space.
Non-Classical Methods in Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography
March 1st 2007It may be somewhat audacious to claim that some methods in GCÃ-GC can be called non-classical - the technique has only been around for about 15 years and one might argue that this is not long enough to establish a suite of classical methods.
Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography
February 1st 2004The latest newcomer to the collection of GC techniques, GCXGC, is examined in this instalment. Although this technique is capable of delivering more GC information in a shorter time than other methods, its technical complexity has slowed down widespread acceptance. John Hinshaw explains...