October 9th 2024
As part of our ISC 2024 coverage, we recently interviewed Anneli Kruve of Stockholm University about her scientific background and her presentation about eludicating toxic chemicals' structures using LC/HRMS.
The Potential of Portable LC Instruments: An HTC-18 Interview with Brett Paull
August 22nd 2024At HTC-18 in Leuven, Executive Editor of LCGC International, Alasdair Matheson, spoke to Brett Paull from the University of Tasmania and HyTECH about his talk entitled: “Analytical Performance and Disruptive Potential of Fully Portable Portable and Field Deployable LC–MS Technology.”
Targeted Blood Lipidomics of Colorectal Cancer: An HTC-18 Interview with Jef Focant
July 26th 2024At HTC-18 in Leuven, Executive Editor of LCGC International, Alasdair Matheson, spoke to Jef Focant from the University of Liege about his talk entitled, “Targeted Blood Lipidomics of Colorectal Cancer."
Automated LC Method Development: An HTC-18 Interview with Bob Pirok
July 23rd 2024At HTC-18 in Leuven, Executive Editor of LCGC International, Alasdair Matheson, spoke to this year’s winner of the 2024 HTC-18 Innovation Award, Bob Pirok from the University of Amsterdam, about his innovative research on automated LC method development.
Contaminants of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water: An HTC-18 Interview with Leon Barron
July 23rd 2024At HTC-18 in Leuven, Executive Editor of LCGC International, Alasdair Matheson, spoke to Leon Barron from Imperial College London about his innovative research focusing on modern chromatographic techniques for analyzing contaminants of emerging concern in drinking water.
Inside the Laboratory: Grinias Research Lab at Rowan University, Part IV – Advice from Students
July 8th 2024In this continuing series from LCGC, we go on location to the Grinias Research Lab at Rowan University, where graduate students gave advice for up and coming separation scientists following in their footsteps.