
Megan C. Harper


Volatile Organic Compound and Sensory Profiles of Alcoholic Versus Non-Alcoholic Beer Using Immersive TF-SPME and SBSE

Non-alcoholic beers are becoming more popular and need to reflect the sophisticated flavourings of beers that are brewed containing alcohol. Sophisticated analytical techniques can help to achieve this.

Jackie Whitecavage


Volatile Organic Compound and Sensory Profiles of Alcoholic Versus Non-Alcoholic Beer Using Immersive TF-SPME and SBSE

Non-alcoholic beers are becoming more popular and need to reflect the sophisticated flavourings of beers that are brewed containing alcohol. Sophisticated analytical techniques can help to achieve this.

Xiaoqin Liu


Simultaneous Determination of 17 Residual Monomers in Adhesives by Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry

Adhesives often contain toxic materials like residual monomers; here, we demonstrate quantitative analysis of residual monomers in adhesives using GC–MS.

Leslie Napoletano


Novel Automated Method for Sample Preparation for Peptide Mapping

This article explores how automation can enhance laboratory productivity and reduces errors in peptide mapping.

Melvin Euerby


An Assessment of Stationary Phase Selectivity in SFC

Sustainability concerns are renewing interest in SFC, often as a substitute for HPLC. With the broader application of SFC, we need a better understanding of selectivity in SFC, where stationary phase classification is not well established. This study assessed and measured the selectivity differences afforded by three prototype SFC phases.

Samuel W. Foster


Exploring Biopharmaceutical Analysis with Compact Capillary Liquid Chromatography Instrumentation

A recent trend in the design of LC instrumentation is the move towards miniaturized and portable systems.

Jorge Pasán


Dispersive Miniaturized Solid‑Phase Extraction Using the CIM‑81 Metal‑Organic Framework and Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry to Determine Personal Care Products in Waters

The analysis of contaminants found in environmental waters and originating from personal care products using metalorganic frameworks (MOFs) combined with liquid chromatography (LC) is described. This work expands the use of MOFs from gas chromatography to LC and also meets the requirements of green analytical chemistry.

Loes Verheyden


Online Solid-Phase Extraction–Gas Chromatography–Flame Ionization Detection System for Monitoring Contaminants at Parts-Per-Trillion Concentrations in Process Waters

Online monitoring of odour and taste components that occur at parts-per-trillion (ppt) levels in industrial process waters requires specialized analytical hardware that is generally not compatible with the harsh environmental conditions in these typical industrial settings. An alternative instrumental method is proposed that uses dynamic extraction in combination with gas chromatography (GC) equipped with a simple flame ionization detector (FID) to achieve these extremely low detection limits.

Elisabeth P. Gates


Exploring Biopharmaceutical Analysis with Compact Capillary Liquid Chromatography Instrumentation

A recent trend in the design of LC instrumentation is the move towards miniaturized and portable systems.

Patricia Molina


Analytical Applications of Immobilized Enzyme Reactors (IMERs) Coupled to LC–MS/MS for Bottom- and Middle-Up Characterization of Proteins

Flow-through immobilized-enzyme reactors (IMERs) can streamline protein digestion for bottom- and middle-up LC–MS characterization while providing high accuracy and reproducibility.

Diana S. Aga


Wastewater Surveillance of Pharmaceuticals and Genes: Challenges and Opportunities

Sample preparation and analysis of pharmaceuticals in wastewater present unique challenges. Here, we describe those challenges.

Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard


Analytical Chemistry: There is No Green Like More Green

An examination of how greening analytical methods is directly connected to greening the sample preparation step

Honorine Lardeux


Pressure–Enhanced Liquid Chromatography as a Suitable Approach to Improve Selectivity for Large Molecule Separations

Pressure-enhanced liquid chromatography (PE-LC) offers a new approach for improving selectivity for large molecule separations. Examples shown here include short oligonucleotides in ion-pairing reversed-phase (IP-RP) liquid chromatography and larger nucleic acids in ion-exchange (IEX) chromatography.

Lorinda Zigan


Analytical Advantages of Highly Stable Stationary Phases for Reversed-Phase LC

During the past five years, many manufacturers of HPLC columns have focused on improving stationary phase stability and reproducibility. In this study, the authors use a variety of test solutes to compare the efficiency, selectivity, and hydrophobic retention mechanisms of five commercially available HPLC columns based silica, alumina, zirconia, and polystyrene cross-linked with divinylbenzene as the support.



Control Strategies and Method Development for Nitrosamines in APIs and Drug Products

Webinar Date/Time: Thu, Nov 7, 2024 9:00 AM PST (12:00 PM EST)

Annamária Sepsey


An Adventurous Journey Around the Thermodynamics of Liquid Chromatography

The values determined by van’t Hoff analysis only have practical significance if we analyze the results obtained with well-planned and systematically varied experiments.



Prioritizing Purity: How Pure is Pure Enough? (December 2023)

When it comes to high-purity inorganic raw materials, the key to analytical success is knowing how to define purity. A variety of factors can impact this definition, including the specific application as well as the chemist’s needs.

TESTA Analytical


Versatile technique for validating HPLC methods

A new technical study demonstrates the utility of a non-invasive liquid flowmeter for validating the performance of HPLC systems across a range of 9 different solvents.

Shauni Detremmerie


Polysorbate Analysis in Biopharmaceutical Applications — A Snapshot of the Analytical Toolbox

An overview of different approaches for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of polysorbates.

Ryan T. Kelly


Let’s Get Small: Miniaturizing Separations for Single-Cell Analysis

Further miniaturization of separations will greatly extend the reach of single-cell proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics, but key challenges in instrumentation, column technology, and ionization sources must be addressed.

Stephen R. Groskreutz


A Rapid, Automated Extraction Platform to Assess Drug Product Potency by Online Liquid Chromatography (LC)

A new automated active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) extraction approach with integrated analysis by online liquid chromatography (LC) to assess drug product potency is presented.

Jean-François Focant


Investigating Decomposition Odor in a Tropical Climate by Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography (GC×GC) Coupled with Mass Spectrometry (MS) and Flame Ionization Detection (FID)

Decomposing animal tissue releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs), of interest in forensic science. We describe the use of GC×GC–qMS/FID retrofitted with a reverse fill/flush (RFF) flow modulator for analyzing these VOCs in a tropical climate.

Alexander Kensert


Separation Science: The State of the Art: Graph Neural Networks for Improved Retention Time Predictions

In this extended special feature to celebrate the 35th anniversary edition of LCGC Europe, leading figures from the separation science community explore contemporary trends in separation science and identify possible future developments.

Porvair Sciences


Enhancing Evaporation Efficiency: The Impact of Temperature and Gas Flow on Blowdown Evaporation

Evaporation enhances method sensitivity. This study investigates the impact of gas temperature and flow rate on blowdown evaporation of solvents and their mixtures

Lenka Libenska


Analysis of UV-Treated Mushrooms: Dietary Source of Vitamin D2?

In our study, a fast and sensitive liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method for the determination of vitamin D2 in fresh mushrooms and its metabolite 25(OH)D2 in the blood of volunteers regularly consuming UV-treated mushrooms has been introduced.

Monika Tomaniova


Authentication of Panax Ginseng‑Based Herbal Teas Using “Chemical Markers” Strategy

This article describes the method development involved in the authentication of nutraceuticals, particularly those containing Panax ginseng, which is popular because of possible positive effects on human health.