Adhesives often contain toxic materials like residual monomers; here, we demonstrate quantitative analysis of residual monomers in adhesives using GC–MS.
How can low-resolution mass spectrometry (LRMS) and high-resolution (HR) MS work together to provide unambiguous results in clinical and forensic toxicology?
How good are your calibration procedures for environmental analysis methods using GC or LC? We demonstrate the overall value of a calibration measured by RSD. We also demonstrate the use of relative standard error (RSE) as a way of evaluating the quality or goodness of calibration methods.
This review article discusses scientific rationales and current best practices in the pharmaceutical industry for performing chromatographic peak purity assessments (PPA). These activities are associated with the development and validation of liquid chromatographic (LC) stability-indicating analytical methods applicable to regulatory submissions of small-molecule drug candidates. The discussion includes a comprehensive overview of the PPA-related regulatory and scientific landscape and common industry approaches to obtain PPA results, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of PDA-facilitated ultraviolet (UV) PPA and other PPA techniques.
New sample preparation workflows for intact proteins in biological matrices are needed. We hope that others will join in this important field of research.
This method for PFAS analysis in milk and infant formula is robust, reliable, and reproducible, with scope to expand the list of PFAS in the future.
In our study, a fast and sensitive liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method for the determination of vitamin D2 in fresh mushrooms and its metabolite 25(OH)D2 in the blood of volunteers regularly consuming UV-treated mushrooms has been introduced.
This application note explores the benefits of using LNI lab benches to enhance the performance of LC–MS systems.
In the testing of six different oat brands, headspace sorptive extraction and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC–TOF-MS) reveal how various packaging types can affect and alter the oats’ volatile profile, underscoring the potential impact of packaging on food quality.
More researchers are discovering that buying used laboratory equipment can be an effective way to reduce costs. An excellent supply of high-quality, used chromatography equipment is available on the market as a result of mergers and consolidations in biotechnology companies and downsizing in the environmental industry.
If you are analyzing metal-sensitive biomolecules, and a bioinert instrument is unavailable, or insufficient, passivation or mobile-phase additives may help. Here’s how to use those solutions, with tips for avoiding potential pitfalls.
In the present study, a gradient reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method has been designed and validated to quantify ornidazole (OZ) in the marketed formulation (oral gel) with the application of QbD.
When working with complex samples, we need effective approaches to deal with matrix interferences. Here, we outline methods of sample preparation, on-line sample treatment, and instrument tools that can help. We also provide examples of applications and guidance for how to evaluate the best option for your complex sample.
The authors evaluate a new chiroptical detector's sensitivity for various chiral compounds, linear dynamic range, and relative response with different solvents.
Vacuum-assisted headspace solid-phase microextraction (Vac-HS-SPME) is quickly becoming popular for enhancing the extraction of semi-volatile compounds.
Researchers at Enveda Biosciences are transforming nature into new medicines with their artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled industrial-scale drug discovery platform incorporating tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS).
Matrix interferences can impact routine analysis with triple quadrupole methods for monitoring and quantifying PFAS in food.
A comprehensive monitoring protocol has been developed using GC–MS/ECD in selective ion monitoring (SIM) mode, with injection performed by solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and headspace (HS). This single system has been configured to analyze for all taste and odor (T&O) compounds in Standard Method 2170, with minimal changing of columns, injectors, or SPME fibers between methods.
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) with cold electron ionization (EI) is based on interfacing the GC and MS instruments with supersonic molecular beams (SMB) along with electron ionization of vibrationally cold sample compounds in SMB in a fly-through ion source (hence the name cold EI). GC–MS with cold EI improves all the central performance aspects of GC–MS. These aspects include enhanced molecular ions, improved sample identification, an extended range of compounds amenable for analysis, uniform response to all analytes, faster analysis, greater selectivity, and lower detection limits. In GC–MS with cold EI, the GC elution temperatures can be significantly lowered by reducing the column length and increasing the carrier gas flow rate. Furthermore, the injector temperature can be reduced using a high column flow rate, and sample degradation at the cold EI fly-through ion source is eliminated. Thus, a greater range of thermally labile and low volatility compounds can be analyzed. The extension of the range of compounds and applications amenable for analysis is the most important benefit of cold EI that bridges the gap with LC–MS. Several examples of GC–MS with cold EI applications are discussed including cannabinoids analysis, synthetic organic compounds analysis, and lipids in blood analysis for medical diagnostics.
The pivotal role of analytical chemistry in the medico-legal and forensic applications is explored in this article.
Rolduc 2024 takes place from 28–30 April 2024 in Rolduc Abbey, Kerkrade, The Netherlands.
With the advent of ambient ionization and portable mass spectrometers, the ability to perform rapid, on-site analysis is fast becoming a reality. We review the critical recent developments enabling this capability as well as remaining challenges that must be tackled to enable widespread adoption.
HS-SPME-GC–MS was combined with OPLS-DA data analysis to tentatively identify eight chemical markers to differentiate the geographical origins of cigar leaf samples.
This work focuses on the effects of the mobile phase pH and the counterion concentration in buffer solution on retention in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) mode.
It is often very difficult to distinguish the true source of wastewater contamination, especially where wastewater treatment plants are located in agricultural areas. Robust and sensitive techniques are needed to characterize impacts where there are multiple potential sources. This study analyzed a variety of synthetic chemicals using LC–QQQ–MS to generate unique fingerprints of pollution.
A novel surface modification technology has been developed to reduce interactions between analytes and metal surfaces in HPLC instruments and columns. We demonstrate the impact of this technology on peak symmetry, peak area, and injection-to-injection and column-to-column reproducibility for several metal-sensitive analytes.
A supported liquid extraction (SLE) and fast gas chromatography–tandem mass spectroscopy (GC–MS/MS) method, used in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode, was developed for the analysis of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in environmental samples, according to the updated EPA Methods 625.1 and 8270E. This method requires minimal sample handling and yields significant throughput and productivity gains in the laboratory.
This simple, rapid, and accurate HPLC-UV method can facilitate routine therapeutic drug monitoring in neonates.