Data Integrity Podcast, Part 1
February 27th 2019Do you have questions about how to ensure data integrity? Then tune into this podcast series from LCGC. In this episode, hear from data integrity and quality systems expert Mark Newton about the shifting focus in data integrity, common problems and questions, and what you need to think about as you address data integrity in your company, or as you update software.
Data Integrity Podcast, Part 2
February 27th 2019Do you have questions about how to ensure data integrity? Then tune into this podcast series from LCGC. In this episode, hear from data integrity and quality systems expert Mark Newton about dealing with data integrity issues arise in connection with sampling, sample preparation, aborted chromatographic runs, chromatographic integration, hybrid models, and more.
Data Integrity Podcast, Part 3
February 27th 2019Do you have questions about how to ensure data integrity? Then tune into this podcast series from LCGC. In this episode, hear from data integrity and quality systems expert Mark Newton about the role of second-person review, the four Cs, training, oversight, and preparing for the future.
Perchlorate Analysis by IC: Water Impact
July 26th 2016Continuing MilliporeSigma’s series of podcasts on the impact of water quality on chromatography techniques, Joe Plurad discusses the practical effects of ultrapure water in a specific area of analysis: The importance of water quality on perchlorate analysis by ion chromatography (IC).
Orbitrap GC-MS for Quantitative and Qualitative Multi-residue Analysis of Pesticides
May 16th 2016The recent introduction of high resolution, accurate mass (HRAM) OrbitrapTM technology coupled to GC brings a new level of performance and flexibility in full scan acquisition and more. Comparable sensitivity and selectivity of triple quadrupole GC-MS/MS, but with broad scope, and the capability for simultaneous targeted and non-targeted analysis of pesticides at low ng/g concentrations, in complex sample types. In this Q & A, Paul Silcock discusses the story so far, around the use of Orbitrap GC-MS for quantitative and qualitative multi-residue analysis of pesticides.