Determination of Triglyceride Composition of Vegetable Oils Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Evaporative Light Scattering Detection
One- and Two-Dimensional LC/MS/MS Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Proteome
Extraction of Low Concentration Levels of 6-MAM from Urine with a Mixed-Mode SPE Sorbent — Strata™ Screen-C
Analysis of U.S. EPA Method 8270D — Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS
Hemoglobin Characterization
"Green" Analysis of Diet Soft Drinks Containing Caffeine and Aspartame
Carbamate Pesticide Analysis: Convergence of Micro Postcolumn Derivatization and LC–MS
A Reversed-Phase HPLC Column for the Separation and Characterization of Peptides Using LC-UV-MS
Mobile Phase Optimization for the Analysis of an Antibody-Based Fusion Protein and Aggregates Using a TSKgel Super SW3000 Size-Exclusion Column
The Determination of Glycerol in Wine by HPLC with Low Temperature Evaporative Light Scattering Detection
New LC Phase for the Separation of Phospholipids: Pholipidec®
High Throughput Screening — LC/MS with ELS Detection
Improved Peak Resolution and Shape for Antidepressants on a New Silica-Based Reversed-Phase Column