February 11th 2025
In Part II of our exploration of splitless injection, we will see that it is a surprisingly complex process, and that it is difficult to understand because we cannot see what is happening during the injection process. For this discussion, we will think of the injection process as beginning with the syringe plunger being depressed and ending with the start of a temperature program in the column oven. In most splitless injections, this process requires 30 s to 1 min. There are several band broadening and focusing mechanisms that affect the peak shapes, widths, and heights resulting from splitless injection.
February 6th 2025
Gilson Offers Customer Support in US
October 3rd 2007Gilson, Inc. (Middleton, Wisconsin), an industry leader in purification systems for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), solid phase extraction (SPE), and gel permetation chromatography (GPC) clean-up, now offers direct support and sales in the United States.
Thermo Fisher Launches Partner Program
October 3rd 2007Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., a leader in the separation sciences and chromatography industries, announces the launch of its enhanced partner program. The program is designed to support the expansion of the companies' informatics activity via its partners around the globe, the world class program will utilize business partners to better meet customer needs in multiple industries. Thermo Scientific?s informatics offerings include laboratory information management systems, chromatography data systems, and spectroscopy software.
Screening Designs (Part 1) — Types and Properties
October 1st 2007Screening designs are used to screen for important factors during method optimization or in robustness testing. Usually, two-level screening designs, such as fractional factorial and Plackett–Burman designs, are applied. This column discusses the properties of these designs.
Chromatography Market Profile: Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS)
October 1st 2007Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) is the most widespread tandem technique in the analytical instrumentation industry. In fact, these systems account for the largest installed base of mass spectrometry instruments.
Technology Forum: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS)
October 1st 2007This month, Chromatography Online's Technology Forum focuses on the topic of Gas Chromatography (GC). Joining us for this discussion is Sky Countryman, GC Product Manager at Phenomenex; Gary Harland, Tandem Quadrupole MS Product Manager at Waters; a Team of Experts from Thermo Fisher Scientific; and Tom Gluodenis and Terry L. Sheehan from Agilent Technologies Life Sciences & Chemical Analysis Group.
Pittcon Announces the 2008 Grant Award Program
September 28th 2007The Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, an event that features the newest applications and technologies in the chromatography industry, have announced the 2008 Pittsburgh Conference Memorial National College Grants (PCMNCG) Program.
L.A.B. Trade Fair and Conference for Analysis, Bio, and Laboratory Equipment
September 20th 2007Leipziger Messe, organisers of L.A.B. - the trade fair and conference devoted to analysis, bio and laboratory equipment - have announced that the show will host 88 exhibitors from countries including the UK, US, France, Italy, Finland, the Netherlands, and Germany. L.A.B. takes place from 2-4 October 2007 at ExCeL London.
LCGC Columnist Ron Majors Wins Gold Medal
September 19th 2007Ronald E. Majors, LCGC North America columnist and Senior Chemist for the Columns and Supplies Division of Agilent Technologies, Inc., has been awarded the 2007 Martin Gold Medal by the Chromatographic Society in the United Kingdom for outstanding contributions to the chromatography field.
SPE and Gas Chromatography Help Identify Lung Cancer
September 12th 2007Reuters Health has published an article that describes how Dr. Ping Wang of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, and his colleagues used solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography (GC) to analyze exhaled volatile organic compound (VOC) markers to help with the diagnosis of lung cancer.
Chromatography and Sports Doping
September 9th 2007The Victoria Advocate (Victoria, TX) published an article about the random testing of high school student-athletes in the Texas public school system. The article is entitled "No Steroid Test is Foolproof" and focuses on the process of drug testing using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS).
The Saga of the Electron-Capture Detector
September 1st 2007In addition to the universal detectors used in gas chromatography (GC), selective detectors have also played an important role in the rapid spreading of the utilization of the technique. Probably the most important selective GC detector is the electron-capture detector, with a very high sensitivity to organic compounds containing chlorine and fluorine atoms in their molecules. The electron-capture detector had a vital role in environmental protection and control - its use helped to prove the ubiquitous presence of chlorinated pesticides in nature and halocarbons in our atmosphere, and made us aware of the global extent of pollution. It was the electron-capture detector that made concentration ranges of parts-per-billion (ppb: 1:109) or even parts-per-trillion (ppt: 1:1012) detectable. Today, these terms are used routinely without realising how formidable such a sensitivity really is: 1 ppb means that a spaceship (or a UFO, depending upon one's inclination) could pick up a particular family of six from..
On-line SEC–Py-GC–MS for the Automated Comprehensive Characterization of Copolymers
September 1st 2007Size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and pyrolysis-gas chromatography (Py-GC) are commonly used to characterize copolymers. SEC is a powerful method to determine the molecular-weight distribution of polymers whereas Py-GC provides valuable information on their chemical composition. The combination of these two techniques could yield combined size and composition information for copolymers or polymer mixtures. A fully automated system was constructed to perform these two-dimensional (2D) characterizations. Several examples of the use of this new technique to comprehensively characterize polymers are described.
Dual-Column GC system Measures Coupled N, C and S Stable Isotopes
August 7th 2007In an article recently published in Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, researchers developed an application to show that an N, C, and S measurement system allows a three-dimensional view of element dynamics in estuarine systems that are undergoing pollution inputs from upstream watersheds.
GC Helps Measure Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Concentrations
August 7th 2007In an article recently published in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers used gas chromatography to determine the fatty acid concentrations of plasma phosphatidylcholine, triacylglycerol, NEFA and cholesteryl esters to test the hypothesis that gender-related differences in n-3 PUFA metabolism are reflected in the concentrations of n-3 PUFA in plasma lipids.