October 9th 2024
Scientists from around the world presented their groundbreaking technologies for in-field chromatography analysis during the International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC) in Liverpool, U.K.
September 26th 2024
The Future of Instrumentation and Columns in Liquid Chromatography
August 1st 2022Although smaller advances have been made in the past decades, the question remains whether further extending operating pressure and decreasing particle size remains a feasible approach, or whether drastically novel approaches are required.
Liquid Chromatography Column Design and Dimensional Analysis of the van Deemter Equation
August 1st 2022The fundamental mechanisms of band broadening are usually introduced to students through the van Deemter equation. Dimensional analysis of this equation can give physical meaning to the equation coefficients and enhance our understanding relative to qualitative descriptions. This approach can also guide improvements to future liquid chromatography (LC) column designs.
The Origin and Implications of Artifact Ions in Bioanalytical LC–MS
July 1st 2022Although well known, the extent of adduct ion formation in LC–ESI-MS/MS, and the implications for quantitative analysis and analyte characterization are not fully appreciated. We explore this problem and explain the implications for reproducibility, quantitative and qualitative analyses, and DDA and DIA.
Deployable Mass Spectrometry for Rapid On-Site Bioanalysis
July 1st 2022With the advent of ambient ionization and portable mass spectrometers, the ability to perform rapid, on-site analysis is fast becoming a reality. We review the critical recent developments enabling this capability as well as remaining challenges that must be tackled to enable widespread adoption.